
Jack Chen

Jack Chen

COO RelaJet Tech (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

In charge of corporate operation/quality system/legal. Before funding RelaJet, Jack had years of experience of working as an investment lawyer.

RelaJet was co-founded by two brothers in Taiwan, Blue Chen and Jack Chen. As a hearing aid user, Blue gathers his observation of hearing aid user experiences and his engineering knowledge to build Otoadd, a product with innovative AI technology to enhance the audio quality and overall product practicality. RelaJet implements innovative software engineering with AI technology to identify and separate different speakers’ voices with Edge Computing processors. Through RelaJet's Speech Enhancement Engine, the environmental noises are identified and significantly denoised from the output, hence the user is able to hear the voices clearly. By leveraging Blue's personal experience and knowledge of hearing aid products, along with Jack's expertise in operation and investment law, RelaJet is ready to "Help the World Hear Better."

RelaJet was the winner of Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge in 2019 and joined Qualcomm Advantage Network in 2020.
