
"It’s bustling! People are really excited about new and interesting technologies and innovations."

Adriana Gascoigne, Founder & CEO of Girls In Tech


The InnoVEX Forum is one of the most popular events during InnoVEX, attracting thousands of professionals to participate at the Center Stage every year, attracting thousands of views through online streaming. The InnoVEX Forum invites more than 40 representatives from global startup ecosystem, including domestic and overseas investors, entrepreneur leaders, and the technology industry experts to share and discuss the latest technology topics and innovation trends.

2019 Speakers

Pranesh Sinha's photo

Pranesh Sinha

Sr. Director, Product Management Qualcomm Technology Licensing Qualcomm Incorporated

Chien-Yu Chen's photo

Chien-Yu Chen

Professor NTU,Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

Albert Liu's photo

Albert Liu

Founder & CEO Kneron

[{"speakerId":235,"NameTw":"艾德里安娜.加斯科因","NameEn":"Adriana Gascoigne","JobTitleTw":"Girls In Tech創辦人兼CEO","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO of Girls In Tech ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803261651125682.jpg","briefTw":"Adriana是Girls in Tech (GIT)的創辦人兼執行長,GIT是世界上第一個關注青年年女性在技術和創業上的組織。在2007年時,因為自身在科技業時有了關鍵性的需求而成立了Girls in Tech,一個幫助女性在科學、技術、工程及數學等領域精進職業生涯的組織。Adriana過去曾在科技公司任職,像是Indiegogo、Involver (Oracle)擔任顧問、、Social Gaming Network (SGN)、和 Algentis;領導GIT至今天的規模,已擁有十萬名會員在全球60分會,並在印度、科威特、奈及利亞、智利和日本等國家燃起女性從事科技的足跡。她的背景包括在Ogilvy & Mather, Interpublic Group of Companies 和 SecondMarket(最大的二手交易平台)擔任主要執行官的角色。Adriana是一位奇點大學 Impact Fellow獎學金的獲獎者,並擁有加利福尼亞大學戴維斯分校和墨西哥阿瓜斯卡連特斯蒙特雷分校的學位;同時,她也精通西班牙語。","briefEn":"Adriana is the Founder and CEO of Girls in Tech (GIT), the world’s first group focusing on Millennial women in technology and entrepreneurship. She created GIT in 2007 because of a crucial need she lacked herself at that time in her tech career - a support framework to help women advance their careers in STEM fields. Adriana, who has worked together with tech companies like Indiegogo, Involver (Oracle) as an advisor,, Social Gaming Network (SGN), and Algentis, and has led GIT to where it is today - with 100,000 members in 60 chapters across the world, and igniting women in tech movements into countries like India, Kuwait, Nigeria, Chile, and Japan. Her background includes key executive roles at Ogilvy & Mather, Interpublic Group of Companies and SecondMarket, the largest secondary trading platform. Adriana is a Singularity University Impact Fellow Scholarship Recipient and holds degrees from the University of California at Davis and El Tecnologico de Monterrey in Aguascalientes, Mexico. She is fluent in Spanish.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Girls In Tech","bnaEn":"Girls In Tech","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":236,"NameTw":"安尼士.吾札曼","NameEn":"Anis Uzzaman","JobTitleTw":"菲諾克斯風險投資公司創辦人兼CEO","JobTitleEn":"CEO & General Partner of Fenox Venture Capital","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803261655474869.jpg","briefTw":"安尼士・吾札曼為菲諾克斯風險投資公司的合夥創辦人。在服務於IBM及Cadence期間,領導管理團隊、実現了眾多的策略投資在軟件開發,微體電子和電子商務等領域。作為零售和科技部門的連續創業家、安尼士提供了籌款,營運和退出策略,輔導創業家。安尼士在美國,日本和東南亞已投資超過60家新創公司。他擁有日本東京工業大學科技開發工程學士。美國奧克拉荷馬州立大學工學院電氣資訊碩士。日本首都大學東京工學院資訊通信博士。","briefEn":"Anis Uzzaman, Ph.D is the General Partner and founding member of Fenox Venture Capital. He serves as the Chief Executive of the company, overlooking overall management and operations. As a leader of the IBM and Cadence Management Teams, Anis led numerous strategic investments in the software development, microelectronics, and e-commerce space. A serial entrepreneur in the retail and technological sectors, Anis provides mentorship in fundraising, operations, and exit strategy to entrepreneurs. Anis has invested in over 60 startups in the United States, Japan, and South East Asia. He holds a B.Eng. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, an M.S. in Engineering from Oklahoma State University, and a Ph.D in Computer Engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Tokyo, Japan. Anis is an honored guest speaker in international conferences, workshops and seminars, has published more than 30 technical papers, and is the author of the“Startup Bible”. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"菲諾克斯風險投資公司","bnaEn":"Fenox Venture","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":237,"NameTw":"斎藤佑馬","NameEn":"Yuma Saito","JobTitleTw":"Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support事業統括本部長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & General Director of Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803261700446819.jpg","briefTw":"斎藤先生擁有審計相關的背景,他發覺他對新創支持的熱情並於2010年成立Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support。Tohmatsu Venture Support從一人公司已成長到全球超過150人。在他對於新創生態圈的投入中,他成立了每週早晨的發表活動-Morning Pitch,促成15個IPO公司和超過200個企業聯盟。斎藤先生支持了超過三千多家日本的新創公司,為超過五百多家大型公司帶來新事業;也為政府機關制定相關政策。斎藤先生曾被選為日本Nikkei最具影響力的人物,經常在日本多家主要的新聞媒體上露出;也在國家級新創活動進行主題演講,像是南韓的Sisa start-up論壇。","briefEn":"Coming from audit background, Yuma found his passion in supporting startups and founded Tohmatsu Venture support inside Deloitte in 2010. The company has since grown from one person to over 150 people globally. He is the pioneer of Deloitte Startup Support Business. He founded Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support in 2010. The company has grown from one person to 150+. In his Startup Ecosystem Development, he had originated Morning Pitch, an early-morning weekly pitch event that has contributed to 15 IPOs and over 200 business alliances. Engaged in support of over 3,000 startups in Japan, new business creation for over 500 large corporations and policymaking for government agencies. For his personal public appearances, he was selected on Nikkei Most Influential People in Japan list. Several newspaper appearances in major Japanese newspapers. Given keynote speeches in national startup events, Sisa start-up forum (South Korea) and more.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Tohmatsu Venture","bnaEn":"Tohmatsu Venture","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":238,"NameTw":"Noa Lifshitz","NameEn":"Noa Lifshitz","JobTitleTw":"諾瑪國際行銷顧問公司執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Noa's Mark","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803311126358426.jpg","briefTw":"Noa來自新創之國「以色列」。她就學於以色列開放大學,專攻商業心理分析,擁有超過10年國際行銷經驗,為以色列知名企業,如Perion、Glil On、Wineways、Pandoor,建立品牌,行銷全世界。3年前,Noa在特拉維夫創立諾瑪國際行銷顧問公司,幫助企業透過強而有力的行銷手法,帶動銷售增長。1年半前,因客戶的推薦,她來到台灣。一方面,她的國際行銷專業,為傳統的中小企業,重新取得競爭市場上的觀注。另一方面,她的猶太創業家精神,以剛滿30歲的女性創業家身份,為台灣的新創圈,帶來全新的創業家形象。","briefEn":"Noa's Mark founder and CEO Noa Lifshitz has over 10 years of marketing experience and has worked with numerous Israeli companies helping them achieve their business goals. \r\n At Noa's Mark, she now consults for companies in Taiwan, China, Singapore, and Israel on their business plans, marketing strategies, and fundraising campaigns, and has helped Asian companies raise millions of dollars from international VCs. Coming from the startup nation of Israel, Noa teaches ambitious entrepreneurs how to efficiently communicate with diverse audiences around the world as well as how to build effective ventures that not only raise funds but also achieve long-term success. She studied psychology in the Open University of Israel, managed a sales division for Israel’s largest paper manufacturer (Glil On), was a manager at a premium wines store chain (Wineways). assistant to Marketing VP, in charge of business partnerships, content marketing, and B2C sales for Israel’s leading interior doors manufacturer (Pandoor), marketing manager for Perion (TLV: PERI), one of Israel’s leading tech companies. She has a total of 12 years’ experience in sales, marketing, and business development; and pro bono work with young startups, animal rights organizations and other charity organizations.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"'smark","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"諾瑪國際行銷顧問公司","bnaEn":"Noa's Mark ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":239,"NameTw":"廖家欣","NameEn":"Kelly Liao","JobTitleTw":"創業家兄弟共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder of KuoBrothers Corp.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804031602328904.jpg","briefTw":"廖家欣為台灣女性企業家,連續創業家,現為台灣電子商務領域上櫃公司-創業家兄弟共同創辦人,畢業於台灣大學工商管理學系,創業前曾任職遠傳電信以及系統資訊整合產業,有豐富的業務和行銷通路等產業實務經驗。加入地圖日記帶領團隊在台灣快速打開知名度,有效獲取會員和流量躍升為台灣第三大社群網站,挾百萬會員和龐大流量之姿,次年被美國最大團購網Groupon併購,擔任Groupon Taiwan策略行銷副總經理。爾後與家人共同成立的創業家兄弟,從成立到上只花四年,創下台灣電商網站最快IPO的公司,2017年營收達37億。","briefEn":"Kelly is a Taiwan famous female serial entrepreneur. She graduated from National Taiwan University. Kelly joined the, under her leadership, this company envolved as top 3 social network website in Taiwan. The company was acquired by Groupon. \r\nShe became the co-founder and CMO of Grupon Taiwan. After that, she founded the Kuobrothers Corp. with her husband (Andy Kuo) and his family. Kuobrothers made its official IPO in Taiwan’s capital market and reaches 100 millions USD in 2017.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"創業家兄弟","bnaEn":"KuoBrothers Corp.","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":240,"NameTw":"葉妍伶","NameEn":"Renee Yeh","JobTitleTw":"首席會議口譯","JobTitleEn":"Lead Interpreter/Translator","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804101742575370.jpeg","briefTw":"她這一輩子都在當翻譯。擔任專業會議口譯員的時候讓中英文的講者觀眾可以互相理解;貓咪行為學讓她學會觀察理解貓與人的互動;最近兩年去矽谷創業,把台灣的阿福管家帶到全世界,將用戶的需求詮釋成電腦語言。阿福管家為矽谷500 startups第12期培育之團隊。","briefEn":"Renee is a serial founder and an experienced interpreter. She masters the art of storytelling to communicate big ideas. Appreciates discussions about: startups, entrepreneurship, making technologies accessible, making technologies friendly, turning users into evangelists, just to name a few.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"可譯語言服務會議顧問","bnaEn":"Renee YEH & Associates","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":241,"NameTw":"唐琦","NameEn":"Stephanie Tang","JobTitleTw":"Rookie Fund執行總監","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Rookie Fund","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804110846561683.jpg","briefTw":"唐琦是Rookie Fund的執行總監,負責台灣與廈門兩個駐點的營運,也入選了2018年富比世30歲以下菁英青年排行。加入Rookie Fund之前,唐琦曾就職於宏達電VR部門(HTC VIVE) 虛擬實鏡創投聯盟的經理,負責為全球的投資大會篩選去路演的VR新創公司,尋找中早期項目投資。此前曾在教育科技新創 Zoodles 專注於事業開發以及使用者經驗兩個領域。唐琦擁有於美國Oberlin College主修經濟的學士學位。","briefEn":"Stephanie is a recent Forbes 30 Under 30 honoree of 2018 and Managing Director at Rookie Fund, a student-run venture fund investing in the best student startups in Asia. She oversees recruiting and curriculum, provides guidance to the Rookies in investment and portfolio management, and maintains and grows the mentor network. She was formerly Manager of the Virtual Reality Venture Capital Alliance at HTC Vive, a venture alliance focusing on VR investments. Prior to that, she handled Business Development for Zoodles, an edtech startup. She has a BA in Economics from Oberlin College and is a recent honoree of Forbes' 30 under 30 Asia, 2018.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Rookie Fund","bnaEn":"Rookie Fund","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":242,"NameTw":"徐嫚均","NameEn":"Amanda Hsu","JobTitleTw":"Shape Prototype執行合夥人暨Women in IoT共同合辦人","JobTitleEn":"Managing Partner of Shape Prototype & Co-Founder of Women in IoT ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804121253577218.jpg","briefTw":"Amanda是Shape Prototype的執行合夥人, 這三年以來, 她將重心放在硬體新創企業上,為他們提供產品的解決方案。他帶領的團隊已幫助超過100個來自不同國家的硬體新創製作產品原型和小量生產。在這之前,他曾在深圳的台商製廠做專案經理,負責美國Fortune500客戶的項目管理。他畢業於英國里茲大學行銷管理碩士,回到亞洲前,他在英國克夏郡的科技化工公司做B2B的營銷管理。","briefEn":"In the past 3 years, Amanda led a product management team helping over 100 tech & IoT startups worldwide in product solutions. Prior to this, she was a lead project manager based in Shenzhen, responsible for projects from Fortune 500 companies. Before working in Asia, she had worked in the UK as a B2B marketing specialist in a multinational industry manufacturer. She graduated from Leeds Business School with a MSc in Marketing Management. She is passionate about entrepreneurship. She believes technology can positively change lives, and her work is to be one of the enablers to push things happen.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Women in IoT","bnaEn":"Women in IoT","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":243,"NameTw":"吳采頤","NameEn":"Tsai-Yi (Iris) Wu","JobTitleTw":"Ambidio創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of Ambidio","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804191705236107.jpg","briefTw":"吳采頤是Ambidio的創辦人及創意發想人。大學主修台北醫學大學醫技系,碩士攻讀紐約大學音樂系。吳采頤曾獲選為Prestige雜誌40 under 40青年創業家、Tatler亞洲50大新興創科技之星,並受邀擔任TEDx講者。吳采頤相信各種將聲音結合可能性、不斷地創造對聲音不同的經驗與震撼。","briefEn":"Tsai-Yi (Iris) Wu is the founder and idea generator of Ambidio. She studied medical technology at Taipei Medical University and has a Master’s Degree in Music Technology from New York University. Iris was listed on 40 Under 40 by Prestige, Asia’s Top 50 Rising Tech Stars by Tatler, and a TEDx speaker. She continues to believe in the relentless pursuit of creating different ways to experience sound.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Ambidio","bnaEn":"Ambidio","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":244,"NameTw":"Sean Moss-Pultz","NameEn":"Sean Moss-Pultz","JobTitleTw":"Bitmark共同創辦人兼執行長","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder & CEO of Bitmark","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804191728227235.jpg","briefTw":"Sean Moss-Pultz是開發區塊練相關的消費性電子商品,以及網路服務的專家。他大學畢業於美國加州聖地牙哥大學,主修數學及物理。創辦Bitmark公司以前,他曾是EMQ有限公司資深總監(提供安全及便宜的跨國基金轉換服務的新創公司),也曾成立Openmoko公司擔任執行長。Sean Moss-Pultz被認為是開放原始碼硬體的先驅,旗下帶領的Bitmark公司有80位員工,目標將成為繼iPhone及安卓智慧型手機之後,開發出第一個引領風潮開放原始碼智慧手機。","briefEn":"Sean Moss-Pultz is an expert in developing technology for consumer electronics and Internet services – with a focus on blockchain related projects. He graduated from U.C. San Diego with bachelor's degrees in mathematics and physics. Prior to Bitmark Inc., he was a senior executive for EMQ Limited, a financial technology startup which provides secure and lower cost method for transferring funds internationally. Moss-Pultz also launched and was CEO of Openmoko Inc. Recognized as a pioneer of open source hardware, Moss-Pultz led a staff of 80 people to build the first open source phone, a precursor to iPhone and Android smartphones.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Bitmark Inc.","bnaEn":"Bitmark Inc.","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":245,"NameTw":"許永真","NameEn":"Jane Hsu","JobTitleTw":"臺大智慧聯網創新研究中心主任","JobTitleEn":"Director of IOX Center NTU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804201113228264.jpg","briefTw":"許永真教授現任於臺大資訊工程學系暨網路與多媒體研究所,兼臺大智慧聯網創新研究中心(前Intel-臺大創新研究中心)主任,並曾擔任臺大資訊系主任與台灣人工智慧學會理事長。許教授致力於人工智慧研究領域逾三十年,研究主題含智慧型多代理人、資料分析與知識建構、常識運算、感知服務、及智慧型物聯網技術。 近年來積極進行跨國、跨校、跨領域、跨產學之物聯網技術研發,應用於智慧農業、智慧運輸、與智慧家庭。成功取得與英特爾實驗室第二階段的合作,進行擴充智慧人機互動於智慧製造之研究,並推展與國內科技製造大廠合作。活躍於國際學術領域,擔任IEEE iThings, AAAI SocialNLP Workshop, TAAI等國際會議的議程主席; 以及Intelligent Data Analysis, Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, JISE等國際期刊之編輯委員。許教授目前於資訊系開授人工智慧相關課程,並合授網媒所「物聯網產品設計與創新」、創新設計學院「智齡設計—老人科技福祉專題」,透過跨領域合作來激發學生創新思考與前瞻技術實現。","briefEn":"Jane Hsu is a Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University, where she served as the Department Chair from 2011 to 2014. As the Director of the NTU IoX Center, Prof. Hsu is leading the global research collaboration on Augmented Collective Beings and Internet of Things. With more than 30 years of experience in AI, her research interests include multiagent planning/learning, crowdsourcing, knowledge mining, commonsense computing, and context-aware smart IoT. Prof. Hsu served on the editorial board of Journal of Information Science and Engineering (2010-), International Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Applications (Springer, 2007-2009) and Intelligent Data Analysis (Elsevier/IOS Press, 1997-2002). She has been actively involved in international conferences of AAAI, IEEE, and ACM, and served as an executive member of the IEEE Technical Committee on E-Commerce (2000), the Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (2004-), and as TAAI President in 2013 and 2014. Prof. Hsu received the MSRA Collaborative Research Award, and Intel Labs Distinguished Collaborator Award in 2016.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"臺大智慧聯網創新研究中心","bnaEn":"IOX Center NTU","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":246,"NameTw":"Artur Kadurin","NameEn":"Artur Kadurin","JobTitleTw":"台灣英科智能公司執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Insilico Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804231053553160.jpg","briefTw":"Artur Kadurin是Insilico Medicine的首席AI長及Insilico Taiwan執行長。專精於資料科學、機器學習及深度學習。","briefEn":"Artur Kadurin is Chief AI Officer at Insilico Medicine, and CEO Insilico Taiwan - companies utilizing Deep Learning techniques for drug discovery and aging research. He has strong mathematical background and experience in all flavors of Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Prior to Insilico Medicine, he worked at Group - one of the biggest European IT company as the lead data scientist, where he built from scratch user segmentation system for biggest in Russia advertising system.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"台灣英科智能公司","bnaEn":"Insilico Taiwan","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":247,"NameTw":"李友專","NameEn":"Yu Chuan Jack Li","JobTitleTw":"臺北醫學大學醫學科技學院院長","JobTitleEn":"Dean of College of Medical Science and Technology TMU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804231058284517.jpg","briefTw":"李友專,臺北醫學大學醫學科技學院院長,台灣醫學資訊協會榮譽理事長,台北市立萬芳醫院皮膚科主治醫師。2010年10月當選美國醫學資訊領域最高學術榮譽委員會――美國醫學資訊學院(ACMI)院士,成為唯一一位來自亞洲的院士,被稱為台灣醫學資訊之父。 ","briefEn":"Dr. Li is the Chief & Dermatologist,Division of Dermatology/Center for Cosmetic and Laser, Taipei Municipal Wanfang Hospital and Editor-in-Chief, International Journal for Quality in Health Care (published jointly by Oxford University Press and ISQua). In addition, he is also the editor-in-Chief, Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (an SCI scientific journal). \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"臺北醫學大學醫學科技學院","bnaEn":"College of Medical Science and Technology TMU","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":248,"NameTw":"余凱文","NameEn":"Kevin Yu","JobTitleTw":"台灣創速創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of Taiwan Accelerator","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241157094683.jpg","briefTw":"余凱文於23歲開始創業,創辦過多家公司,其中一家是創投,曾為自己公司和多家新創企業籌融資超過3億美元。世界領先的投資人關係服務公司MZ集團之共同創辦人,協助14個國家超過600家企業上市及經營投資人關係。於2015年創立台灣首家投資人關係培訓中心IRTC,已培訓超過300位上市櫃企業主及高管。2016年10月創辦國內首家種子加速器台灣創速。","briefEn":"K. Yu is a serial entrepreneur since the age of 23, founded numerous companies (one of which was a VC firm), and has raised more than USD300 million for his own companies and other startups. Prior to TA, he is the co-founder of MZ Asia-Pacific, the world’s leading independent IR firm, helping more than 600 companies in 14 countries with public listing and investor relations management. In October 2016, Mr. Yu founded Taiwan Accelerator (TA) - the first seed accelerator in the region.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"台灣創速 創辦人","bnaEn":"Taiwan Accelerator","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":249,"NameTw":"Andrew Tan","NameEn":"Andrew Tan","JobTitleTw":"TinkBig Venture創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of TinkBig Venture","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241440489119.jpg","briefTw":"Andrew is a serial entrepreneur and the founding partner in TinkBig Venture where he is managing partner of the firm’s investment and management team. He is also currently the CEO of CrowdPlus Asia, one of the 6 license holder for equity crowdfunding platform in Malaysia that is regulated by the Securities Commission of Malaysia. Prior to TinkBig, Andrew was chief business development officer and a financial-services investor at Appshack Asia. While at Appshack, he led investments in seven startup deals with other co VC. Prior to that, Andrew was a private-equity investor where he regularly advised his limited Partners on private-equity deals and fund formation. Before that he successfully listed his company at the MESDAQ Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Securities Exchange where learned the intricacies of the stock market.","briefEn":"Andrew is a serial entrepreneur and the founding partner in TinkBig Venture where he is managing partner of the firm’s investment and management team. He is also currently the CEO of CrowdPlus Asia, one of the 6 license holder for equity crowdfunding platform in Malaysia that is regulated by the Securities Commission of Malaysia. Prior to TinkBig, Andrew was chief business development officer and a financial-services investor at Appshack Asia. While at Appshack, he led investments in seven startup deals with other co VC. Prior to that, Andrew was a private-equity investor where he regularly advised his limited Partners on private-equity deals and fund formation. Before that he successfully listed his company at the MESDAQ Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Securities Exchange where learned the intricacies of the stock market.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"TinkBig Venture","bnaEn":"TinkBig Venture","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":250,"NameTw":"Sansanee Huabsomboon","NameEn":"Sansanee Huabsomboon","JobTitleTw":"泰國NSTDA科技事業育成中心總監","JobTitleEn":"Director of Technology Business Incubation Center NSTDA Thailand","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804291228180661.jpg","briefTw":"From many years ’s experiences of fostering & incubating New Technology Entrepreneurs through Business Incubation Center of NSTDA. Being a judge committee and speaker of many stages of Technology Business competition and Startup pitching challenges of Domestic and International. Today Sansanee is one of the key person to set strategic move of Thailand about Startup ecosystem under Ministry of Science and Technology. She is one of “Startup Thailand” Core team to initiate new programs to strengthen Thai Startup and fulfil Thai Startup ecosystem and policy support.","briefEn":"From many years ’s experiences of fostering & incubating New Technology Entrepreneurs through Business Incubation Center of NSTDA. Being a judge committee and speaker of many stages of Technology Business competition and Startup pitching challenges of Domestic and International. Today Sansanee is one of the key person to set strategic move of Thailand about Startup ecosystem under Ministry of Science and Technology. She is one of “Startup Thailand” Core team to initiate new programs to strengthen Thai Startup and fulfil Thai Startup ecosystem and policy support.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"NSTDA 泰國","bnaEn":"NSTDA Thailand ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":251,"NameTw":"黃經堯","NameEn":"Ching Yao Huang","JobTitleTw":"中華創業育成協會理事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman of Chinese Business Incubation Association(CBIA)","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241445077837.jpg","briefTw":"黃經堯理事長七十六年台大物理系畢業後,前往美國取得紐澤西理工學院電機碩士,接著取得羅格斯大學電子電腦工程博士,現交通大學電機學院副院長、台南分部主任、產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心主任。","briefEn":"Before joining NCTU in 2002, Dr. Huang was with Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies where he was a project leader of 3.5G cellular system development. Dr. Huang was the recipient of \"Bell Labs Team Award\" in 2003, \"Best Paper Award\" from IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference in 2004, and \"Outstanding Achievement Award\" from National Chiao Tung University in the years of 2007-2015. Besides Dr. Huang's academic achievement, Dr. Huang and his team were awarded the \"Best Industry Contribution\" from the Minister of Economic Affairs in 2013 due to the contribution in IPR management and innovation ecosystem. In 2013, Dr. Huang further established the first University Business Accelerator in Taiwan, called \"Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy\". With more than 50 universities participated, the center carries two national missions in both business acceleration for startups and IPR alliance. The center is UBI index (Sweden) ranked 7 global Incubator/accelerator in 2014 and 2015.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"中華創業育成協會","bnaEn":"CBIA","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":252,"NameTw":"Phillip Kemp","NameEn":"Phillip Kemp","JobTitleTw":"澳洲Business Foundations Inc.執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Business Foundations Inc. Australia ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241307327748.jpg","briefTw":"Phillip is the Chief Executive of Business Foundations Inc, a national business advisory, incubation and training organisation based in Western Australia. He holds key positions on a number of national boards and associations including being the Vice-President of the Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI) and deputy chairman of Business Innovation and Incubation Australia (BIIA) and former Chairman of the organisation.","briefEn":"Phillip is the Chief Executive of Business Foundations Inc, a national business advisory, incubation and training organisation based in Western Australia. He holds key positions on a number of national boards and associations including being the Vice-President of the Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI) and deputy chairman of Business Innovation and Incubation Australia (BIIA) and former Chairman of the organisation.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Business Foundations Inc. Australia ","bnaEn":"Business Foundations Inc. Australia ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":253,"NameTw":"Rajendra Jagdale","NameEn":"Rajendra Jagdale","JobTitleTw":"印度浦那科學科技園區執行長暨處長","JobTitleEn":"Director General & CEO of Science and Technology Park Pune India","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241310466279.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Rajendra P.Jagdale, Ph.D. is a Director General of Science and Technology Park, a not for profit autonomous institute established by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and it is hosted by University of Pune. The Park acts as a bridge between industries and academia to make available resources and expertise from academia, research and development labs to industries.\r\n\r\nDr. Rajendra Jagdale was instrumental in making Indian Universitirs ‘Technology Database that showcases some of the emerging technologies and potential of researchers from Indian Universities. This database was made for University Grants Commission, Govt. of India and supported by UN-Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT). Dr. Jagdale is a trainer in Entrepreneurship and mentor for several start-up companies and works closely with DST’s Technology Business Incubation and Innovation Management Programmes. His major areas of expertise are Urban e-transformation using Science and Technology tools, IT open source and freeware, Intellectual Property Management and Technology transfer, Business incubation and promoting Innovation driven cluster development.\r\n\r\nDue to his initiative Science and Technology Park developed and launched India’s most robust GIS based e-transformation called GISDA (GIS for Dynamic Administration).\r\n","briefEn":"Dr. Rajendra P.Jagdale, Ph.D. is a Director General of Science and Technology Park, a not for profit autonomous institute established by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and it is hosted by University of Pune. The Park acts as a bridge between industries and academia to make available resources and expertise from academia, research and development labs to industries.\r\n\r\nDr. Rajendra Jagdale was instrumental in making Indian Universitirs ‘Technology Database that showcases some of the emerging technologies and potential of researchers from Indian Universities. This database was made for University Grants Commission, Govt. of India and supported by UN-Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT). Dr. Jagdale is a trainer in Entrepreneurship and mentor for several start-up companies and works closely with DST’s Technology Business Incubation and Innovation Management Programmes. His major areas of expertise are Urban e-transformation using Science and Technology tools, IT open source and freeware, Intellectual Property Management and Technology transfer, Business incubation and promoting Innovation driven cluster development.\r\n\r\nDue to his initiative Science and Technology Park developed and launched India’s most robust GIS based e-transformation called GISDA (GIS for Dynamic Administration).\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"印度浦那科學科技園區","bnaEn":"Science and Technology Park Pune India","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":254,"NameTw":"劉永道","NameEn":"Bruce Bateman","JobTitleTw":"光寶科技智能生活與應用事業群技術資深處長","JobTitleEn":"Chief Technology Advise of Smart Life & Application SBG LITE-ON","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241318216659.jpg","briefTw":"Experienced Connected City technologist and designer now leading the drive for Smart City planning and technologies. Bruce has been a Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Angel Investor, Startup Advisor, Constant Traveler and Lover of Life with unique blend of technical, sales, marketing and customer service skills to help City Planners understand the social, financial benefits by deploying Appropriate technologies. It’s not about the technology it’s about solving a problem. Previous products / projects for the telecom, wearable, IoT, VR, M2M and enterprise industry. Excellent technical and analytic skills, extensive international experience in manufacturing and distribution, with an understanding of different cultures and business practices. Having started or been involved early stages of 9 startups, the experiences of success and failures has given Bruce an open and enlightened view of the startup world.","briefEn":"Experienced Connected City technologist and designer now leading the drive for Smart City planning and technologies. Bruce has been a Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Angel Investor, Startup Advisor, Constant Traveler and Lover of Life with unique blend of technical, sales, marketing and customer service skills to help City Planners understand the social, financial benefits by deploying Appropriate technologies. It’s not about the technology it’s about solving a problem. Previous products / projects for the telecom, wearable, IoT, VR, M2M and enterprise industry. Excellent technical and analytic skills, extensive international experience in manufacturing and distribution, with an understanding of different cultures and business practices. Having started or been involved early stages of 9 startups, the experiences of success and failures has given Bruce an open and enlightened view of the startup world.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"光寶科技","bnaEn":"LITE-ON","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":255,"NameTw":"Jerry Damon Chang","NameEn":"Jerry Damon Chang","JobTitleTw":"SocialMatters創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of SocialMatters","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241320276721.jpg","briefTw":"Business Development Executive and Product Manager with 10 years experience creating web applications, dashboards and data algorithms. Concentration on social media data sets including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Focus in marketing-tech & ad-tech. 7 years of entrepreneurship experience as founder: Spring 2013 Fortify Ventures Accelerator Program, 2015 Capital Factory Incubator company, and 1776 member company in Washington, DC. Project management experience in web and embedded solutions, film and TV sets.\r\n","briefEn":"Business Development Executive and Product Manager with 10 years experience creating web applications, dashboards and data algorithms. Concentration on social media data sets including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Focus in marketing-tech & ad-tech. 7 years of entrepreneurship experience as founder: Spring 2013 Fortify Ventures Accelerator Program, 2015 Capital Factory Incubator company, and 1776 member company in Washington, DC. Project management experience in web and embedded solutions, film and TV sets.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"SocialMatters","bnaEn":"SocialMatters","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":256,"NameTw":"Kevin Lin","NameEn":"Kevin Lin","JobTitleTw":"Twitch共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder of Twitch","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241523598131.jpg","briefTw":"Kevin Lin is a 2004 Yale graduate and Co-Founder of Twitch, the world’s leading social video service and community for video game culture and emerging content. He was instrumental in Twitch's 2011 launch when he joined in 2008. Kevin now leads Culture, Strategy, and Innovation, responsible for new Twitch programs including original content and corporate strategy. Currently, 15 million users gather daily to stream, watch, and chat.","briefEn":"Kevin Lin is a 2004 Yale graduate and Co-Founder of Twitch, the world’s leading social video service and community for video game culture and emerging content. He was instrumental in Twitch's 2011 launch when he joined in 2008. Kevin now leads Culture, Strategy, and Innovation, responsible for new Twitch programs including original content and corporate strategy. Currently, 15 million users gather daily to stream, watch, and chat.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Twitch ","bnaEn":"Twitch ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":257,"NameTw":"Jinger Zeng","NameEn":"Jinger Zeng","JobTitleTw":"ARM創新計畫暨Auterion商業開發專員","JobTitleEn":"ARM Innovator and Business Development Specialist at Auterion","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804251545075394.jpg","briefTw":"Jinger Zeng 為一美國女性科學家與創業家,現居中國,她喜歡集思廣益,並使用科技解決問題。\r\n她的背景為機械工程,她在內華達州大學求學期間,她曾帶領開發全太陽能發電房屋,並獲得兩項國際大獎。接著她在2014年成立了Dronesmith科技公司,專為企業開發軟硬體設施。她也是女性新創IOT科技之星實驗室的創辦人之一,在2016年她獲選日本前五大傑出年輕女性。她的經歷包括產品,行銷,商業開發及管理。她也是開放式資源的天使投之人,專長為跨領域創新。她現職於瑞士Auterion新創公司,致力建置亞洲跨平台社群。\r\n","briefEn":"Jinger Zeng is a technologist and entrepreneur from United States currently living in Mainland China. She loves to bring people together to solve meaningful problems using technology. \r\n\r\nShe is a mechanical engineer by training, and led a team in the development and realization of a net-zero solar house that won international award when she was at University of Nevada Las Vegas. She then co-founded Dronesmith Technologies in 2014, a company that develops drone hardware and software for developers and corporates. She is an alumni founder of two accelerators - Women’s Startup Lab and Techstars IoT. In 2016, she is one of the five “Outstanding Young Persons” honorees of Japan. Her experience spans across product, marketing, business development, and management. She is an evangelist of open source and maker movement, and specializes in cross-boarder innovation projects. Currently, she works for Swiss startup Auterion, heading its platform adoption and community building in Asia. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Auterion","bnaEn":"Auterion","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":258,"NameTw":"Ed Deng","NameEn":"Ed Deng","JobTitleTw":"智抗糖 (Health2Sync)執行長兼共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder & CEO of Health2Sync Inc.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804251549037299.jpg","briefTw":"Ed Deng is the Co-Founder and CEO of Health2Sync; he co-founded Health2Sync after witnessing many in his family battle diabetes and learning what works in managing diabetes. Prior to Health2Sync, Ed was Chief marketing Officer of Hesine Technologies, and end-to-end push-platform for mobile devices, which was acquired by NQ Mobile. Ed started his career as an Investment Banker at Lehman Brothers’ Technology Mergers & Acquisitions Group in Palo Alto, CA. Ed obtained a BS in Finance from McIntire School of Commerce at The University of Virginia.","briefEn":"Ed Deng is the Co-Founder and CEO of Health2Sync; he co-founded Health2Sync after witnessing many in his family battle diabetes and learning what works in managing diabetes. Prior to Health2Sync, Ed was Chief marketing Officer of Hesine Technologies, and end-to-end push-platform for mobile devices, which was acquired by NQ Mobile. Ed started his career as an Investment Banker at Lehman Brothers’ Technology Mergers & Acquisitions Group in Palo Alto, CA. Ed obtained a BS in Finance from McIntire School of Commerce at The University of Virginia.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"智抗糖 ","bnaEn":"Health2Sync Inc.","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":259,"NameTw":"吳柏蒼","NameEn":"Pochang Wu","JobTitleTw":"KKFARM共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder of KKFARM","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804251551450271.jpg","briefTw":"回聲樂團主唱、台灣第一個DRM Free MP3線上音樂商店iNDIEVOX創辦人。","briefEn":"Co-founder of KKFARM, Lead vocalist of Echo, founder of iNDIEVOX, the first DRM Free MP3 online music store in Taiwan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"KKFARM","bnaEn":"KKFARM","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":260,"NameTw":"許仲言","NameEn":"Mars Hsu","JobTitleTw":"台灣IBM公司雲端運算事業部總經理","JobTitleEn":"Business Executive of IBM Cloud IBM Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804270924272736.jpg","briefTw":"許仲言先生於 2016年 1月起擔任台灣 IBM 公司雲端運算事業部總經理,負責擬定 IBM 雲端平台策略,打造完整雲端生態體系,同時協助既有系統中介軟體客戶轉型至認知運算平台,推動 IBM Bluemix 成為市場首選雲端平台。\r\n許仲言先生擁有政治大學經濟學士學位,與英國西敏大學國際經濟碩士學位。\r\n","briefEn":"Mars Hsu is in charge of Cloud business of IBM Taiwan, overlooking IBM Cloud strategy and ecosystem development. He manages the functions of sales, marketing, technical and operation to fuel IBM’s core business growth, and carries out the mission to make IBM Cloud the leading cloud platform in the market. He also dedicates to assisting enterprises’ digital transformation by deploying cognitive computing platform.\r\n\r\nPrior to this role, Mars is the senior sales manager of IBM middleware, responsible for strategic planning, go-to-market, marketing and branding, as well as customer services. He has been working with enterprises across various industries to lead strategic transformation and disruptive innovation with his rich experience in financial services, IT architecture, and industry reinvention. Mars was awarded of a number of recognitions including “Best Sales Manager of Greater China Group” in 2105 and “Hundred Percent Club” along his carrier in IBM.\r\n\r\nMars obtained Bachelor of Economics at National Cheng Chi University and Master of International Economics at University of Westminster","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"IBM","bnaEn":"IBM","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":261,"NameTw":"張仁炯","NameEn":"Michael J Chang","JobTitleTw":"微軟台灣 A.I.研發中心執行長","JobTitleEn":"Director of Artificial Intelligence Research & Development Center Microsoft","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805161630452530.jpg","briefTw":"張仁炯現職為微軟台灣 AI 研發中心執行長,負責微軟在台設立AI研發中心。他曾任微軟亞洲工程院副院長、微軟Office事業部 Microsoft Office 大中華區研發總經理等職務,負責微軟Office事業部在東亞地區與大中華區產品研究開發的協調工作,與Office產品開發的專案管理;並曾負責 Office Online、Office 365 Services 大資料運算、Office Extensibility、雲端與移動端軟體產品開發、SharePoint Online、與跨平台開發平台的研究開發工作。\r\n張仁炯於1996年畢業於紐約州立大學石溪分校 (State University of New York at Stony Brook)、取得碩士學位,翌年以校園招聘管道加入美國微軟,曾任軟體測試開發工程師、軟體測試經理、軟體測試部門經理、測試協理、副總經理等職務,參與Project 98、 Word 2000、Word 2002、與OneNote 2003 的研發工作。張仁炯於2004年申請調職到台灣,加入大中華區 Office 研發團隊,參與帶領Microsoft Office 在東亞地區的產品開發,並完成Office2007、Office2010、Office2012、Office2013、Office2016與SharePoint Online/Office365產品開發工作。\r\n張仁炯曾管理台北與北京的Office研發團隊,與在東京、台北、北京、美國、印度、和都柏林的八千餘位研發人員的Office研發團隊合作,負責協調大中華區、東亞地區與美國總部的產品開發進度,實際負責產品架構設計與產品研發方向與專案流程管理,與國際團隊共同開發下一代的 Office 產品。\r\n除產品研發,團隊管理與專案協調外之外,他同時負責軟體工程卓越開發的工作與項目,並參與、負責美國微軟與微軟亞太研發集團(ARD)的校園徵才,同時擔任微軟面試主考官 (As-Appropriate Interviewer)的角色,協助微軟亞太研發集團做校園徵才、招募、及主持面試流程的工作。\r\n張仁炯的專長是大型軟體專案開發流程管理、軟體架構設計、軟體測試、與軟體自動測試,他擁有兩項軟體研發工具的美國專利,並經常應邀至學校與業界,演講軟體專案管理、軟體開發、開發流程、技術卓越、測試開發、企業管理、軟體自動化研發及測試、職涯計畫等有關題目。\r\n除了軟體開發領域之外,張仁炯目前亦擔任國立台灣科技大學工程學院兼任教授級業師專家。","briefEn":"Mr. Michael J. Chang is currently holding the position of Director General of Microsoft AI R&D Center in Taipei. Mr. Chang was formally the Director of Engineering of Software Technology Center in Asia before the assignment to set up the AI R&D Center in Taipei.\r\nOn top of his Office development charter, Mr. Chang also drove the China Incubation engineering efforts in Office Product Group. This unique team is experimenting the new Mobile Productivity Scenarios with WeChat and other mobile conversation platforms. \r\n\r\nGraduated from State University of New York at Stony Brook with Master of Science in 1996, Mr. Chang joined Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA in 1997 as Campus Hire. Though he later relocated to Microsoft Taiwan in 2004 and Microsoft China in 2012, his career has always been within Office Product Family innovating for the best user experience, from Win32 clients, to Service Products, and to Online Services. He has been working on Project, Word, OneNote, Office Shared Engineering, SharePoint, Exchange, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, Office365 Cloud Service Management, Big Data, Office ecoSystems/Extensibility, and Office Online.\r\n\r\nAs a senior Engineering Leader and 20 years of veteran in the corporation and Microsoft Office Products, Mr. Chang is also a Microsoft certified As-Appropriate Interviewer. He drove recruiting efforts in Greater China Region. Mr. Chang was invited by many world-class companies in the region to speak and consult their engineering and technology evolution efforts on behalf of Microsoft. In his spare time, he also teaches EMRD (Executive Master of Research and Development) post graduate program in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology as professional adjunct faculty. Mr. Chang holds two US patents on software development tooling and technology. His expertise is in large scale Software Project Management, Software Development and Process, Software Automation, Online Services Product Development (PaaS & SaaS) and Management, and Management Excellence.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"微軟","bnaEn":"Microsoft","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":262,"NameTw":"湯漢林","NameEn":"Hanlin Tang","JobTitleTw":"Intel人工智慧產品事業群首席工程師","JobTitleEn":"Principal Engineer of Artificial Intelligence Products Group Intel Corporation","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805020902350940.jpg","briefTw":"Hanlin Tang, Ph.D. is a Principal Engineer at Intel’s AI Products Group, where he directs computer vision research and applications. His team is also responsible for algorithm-hardware co-design of next generation accelerators, and federal AI projects. Hanlin joined Intel from its acquisition of the deep learning startup Nervana Systems. At both Intel and Nervana, he has contributed to the development of deep learning frameworks, and deployed algorithms in domains ranging from remote sensing to computational neuroscience. Hanlin received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he applied recurrent neural networks to study the human visual system. His research has appeared in scientific journals such as Neuron, Scientific Reports, and eLife.","briefEn":"Hanlin Tang, Ph.D. is a Principal Engineer at Intel’s AI Products Group, where he directs computer vision research and applications. His team is also responsible for algorithm-hardware co-design of next generation accelerators, and federal AI projects. Hanlin joined Intel from its acquisition of the deep learning startup Nervana Systems. At both Intel and Nervana, he has contributed to the development of deep learning frameworks, and deployed algorithms in domains ranging from remote sensing to computational neuroscience. Hanlin received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he applied recurrent neural networks to study the human visual system. His research has appeared in scientific journals such as Neuron, Scientific Reports, and eLife.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":" ","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Intel","bnaEn":"Intel","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":263,"NameTw":"陳勁初","NameEn":"Jesse Chen","JobTitleTw":"國立成功大學國際產學聯盟執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Global Academia & Industry Alliance NCKU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805021701519988.jpg","briefTw":"1988年共同創立BusLogic,並擔任CEO直到1996年被收購(現在是IBM的一部分)。 1997年共同創立Maton Venture,並投資於33家科技公司,並有6次IPO和9次併購。1997年至1998年擔任美國西部(矽谷)分會主席。為台灣/華人社區發起並組織了第一屆華爾街風格的投資會議,來自台灣的150多位風投,香港,新加坡和日本出席了會議。\r\n1998年至2000年擔任蒙玉科技協會主席, 2013年成立SVT(台灣矽谷)天使,並擔任主席至2016年。啟動矽谷浸入式項目,邀請並選擇來自台灣的許多初創團隊,留在矽谷三個月,並提供指導支持。\r\n","briefEn":"Co-founded BusLogic in 1988 and served as CEO till it was acquired in 1996 (now part of IBM). BusLogic designed, produced & marketed ASIC, PC board and software for IT and storage industries. Investors received 60 times return in 6 years. Dick Kramlich of NEA was my board of director who was original Apple investor.\r\nCo-founded Maton Venture in 1997 and invested in 33 technology companies with 6 IPO and 9 M&A. All 6 CEO of the IPO were the founders of the companies. (AATI, ENVI, OVTI, OPLK, IET, SYSCAN)\r\nServed as Chairman of Monte Jade Science and Technology Association from 1998 to 2000 and its US West (Silicon Valley) Chapter from 1997 to 1998. Initiated and organized the first Wall Street style Investment Conference for the Taiwanese / Chinese community with over 150 VCs from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan attended.\r\nFounded SVT (Silicon Valley Taiwan) Angels in 2013 and served as Chairman till 2016.\r\n(Members include all major Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists from Taiwan.) Started the Silicon Valley Immersion Program invited and selected many start up teams from Taiwan to stay in Silicon Valley for 3 months with mentorship support.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"成功大學國際產學聯盟","bnaEn":"GLORIA NCKU","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":264,"NameTw":"Simon See","NameEn":"Simon See","JobTitleTw":"NVIDIA公司亞太區首席技術總監","JobTitleEn":"Senior Director of Solution Architecture & Engineering NVIDIA","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805021708395421.jpg","briefTw":"Simon See博士1993年英國Salford大學獲得數值分析博士學位,有近30年的高性能計算工業界和學術界的經驗:他曾在SGI、SUN、Oracle等公司擔任技術高管,2011年起擔任NVIDIA公司亞太區首席技術總監,負責研發管理及聯絡亞太區科研院所;他在新加坡南洋理工大學及新加坡高性能計算研究所擔任客座席位,他還是深圳華大基因的首席技術顧問和泰國KMUTT大學的兼職教授。Simon See博士于2010年初受聘成為上海交通大學的客座研究員。","briefEn":"Prof. Simon See is currently the Solution Architecture and Engineering Director and Chief Solution Architect for Nvidia AI Technology Center. He is also a Professor and Chief Scientific Computing Officer in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Prof. See is also the Chief Scientific Computing Advisor for BGI (China) and has a position in NanyangTechnological University (Singapore) and King-Mong Kung University of Technology (Thailand). Prof See is currently involved in a number of smart city projects, especially in Singapore and China. His research interests are in the area of High Performance Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, computational science, Applied Mathematics, and simulation methodology. Prof. See is also leading some of the AI initiatives in Asia Pacific. He has published over 200 papers in these areas and has won various awards. Prof. See is also a member of SIAM, IEEE, and IET. He also a committee member of more than 50 conferences.\r\nProf. See graduated from University of Salford (UK) with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and numerical analysis in 1993. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Prof. See worked for SGI, DSO National Lab. of Singapore, IBM, International Simulation Ltd (UK), Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. He is also providing consultancy to a number of national research and supercomputing centers.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"NVIDIA","bnaEn":"NVIDIA","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":265,"NameTw":"Andrew Batten","NameEn":"Andrew Batten","JobTitleTw":"Hyperform Consulting 管理總監","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Hyperform Consulting","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805031822131043.jpg","briefTw":"Andrew Batten started his 30-year career with BT in the UK specializing in Product Development – also the topic of his MBA thesis. For the last 15 years he was based on APAC, providing consulting services before joining EY also as a Regional Director of Consulting. He now works as an Independent Consultant.","briefEn":"Andrew Batten started his 30-year career with BT in the UK specializing in Product Development – also the topic of his MBA thesis. For the last 15 years he was based on APAC, providing consulting services before joining EY also as a Regional Director of Consulting. He now works as an Independent Consultant.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Hyperform Consulting","bnaEn":"Hyperform Consulting","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":266,"NameTw":"傅立成","NameEn":"Li Chen Fu","JobTitleTw":"臺灣大學資訊工程學系特聘教授","JobTitleEn":"Distinguished Professor of Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering NTU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041008370472.jpg","briefTw":"傅立成教授於民國七十年自台大電機系畢業簼役畢後赴美國加州大學柏克萊分校攻讀電機電腦(EECS)博士學位畢業後於民國七十六年旋即返回台大母校電機系與資訊系任教簼並積極從事電機控制、機電整合、機器人及自動化、資訊科技和人 工智慧應用等相關之研究。起初學術的環境偏重教學但傅教授深感研究的優窳關係國家科技與國防的強盛與否,亦影響經濟的盛衰甚大,因而以高品質的教學獲得教育部頒贈「教學特優獎」,並積極投入研究工作,十數年如一日,從無間斷在國內、外的”控制領域”及“機器人與自動化領域”備受各界肯定。","briefEn":"Li-Chen Fu (F'04) received B.S. degree from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1981, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. in 1985 and 1987, respectively.\r\n Since 1987, he has been a member of the faculty, and is currently a full professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan, R.O.C. Currently, he serves as Director of NTU Center for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Advanced Robotics as well as Co-director of MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology)/NTU Joint Research Center for AI Technology and All Vista Healthcare. He was awarded Lifetime Distinguished Professorship from his university in 2007. He has received numerous academic recognitions, such as Distinguished Research Awards from National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C., the Irving T. Ho Chair Professorship, Macronix Chair Professorship, Academic Award from Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C., IEEE Fellow in 2004, and IFAC Fellow in 2017. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journal of Control as well as Vice-President of IEEE Control Systems Society. His research interests include robotics, smart home, visual detection and tracking, intelligent vehicle, production scheduling, virtual reality, and control theory & applications.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"臺灣大學資訊工程學系","bnaEn":"NTU CSIE","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":267,"NameTw":"Rich Fuh","NameEn":"Rich Fuh","JobTitleTw":"科技部Taiwan Tech Arena計畫主持人","JobTitleEn":"Manager of Taiwan Tech Arena Ministry of Science and Technology","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041402175341.jpg","briefTw":"Rich is responsible for Taiwan Tech Arena, a flagship tech startups ecosystem building program funded by Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. Rich has\r\n\r\nextensive experience in tech industry from startups, local Taiwan company to Fortune Top 50 company in high tech area in Taiwan and US. Rich loves new things and have a big passion in working with people to use technology and innovation to make the world a better one. \r\n","briefEn":"Rich is responsible for Taiwan Tech Arena, a flagship tech startups ecosystem building program funded by Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. Rich has\r\n\r\nextensive experience in tech industry from startups, local Taiwan company to Fortune Top 50 company in high tech area in Taiwan and US. Rich loves new things and have a big passion in working with people to use technology and innovation to make the world a better one. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"TTA MOST","bnaEn":"TTA MOST","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":268,"NameTw":"陳凱爾","NameEn":"Kyle Chen","JobTitleTw":"數位時代創業小聚社群行銷總監","JobTitleEn":"Director of Community & Media Business Next Media Corp.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041406139286.jpg","briefTw":"2011年加入巨思文化,2014年起開始負責創業小聚社群,透過線下活動籌辦宇線上媒體經營,打造一個聚合台灣新創所需資金、資源與國際鏈結的機會平台,至今已藉由一對一採訪接觸超過500組團隊。重度網路成癮,樂於擁抱創新帶來的可能,並樂見新科技在跨領域可能創造的機會與新商業。2014年起協助籌辦Meet Taipei創新創業嘉年華,為台灣第一個多元化、跨領域、並且跨國交流的大型創業活動品牌,2017年創下3天、4大舞台、20場舞台節目與高達400組參展企業/新創參展記錄,其中包括100組國際新創。並且邀請超過70位國際級企業代表與投資人擔任演講人或者評審,共促成200組以上的投資人/新創媒合,總參觀人次高達68,800人次。","briefEn":"Joined Business Next Media Corp. as a marketing and event coordinator in 2011. Started to work as the community manager of Meet, the biggest startup community in Taiwan, also a platform for startup founders to find opportunities of investment, startup resources, and global network. Discovered more than 500 startup companies via one by one interviews.\r\nStarted to join the curation team of Meet Taipei Startup Festival, the first and biggest startup festival from local to global since 2014. In the 3 days event in 2017, there have been 400 booths (including 100 foreign startups), 20 different programs on 4 stages, 70+ global speakers and investors, 200+ sets of investor/startup match making, and 68,800 visits in total.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"數位時代創業小聚社群","bnaEn":"Business Next Media","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":269,"NameTw":"Kevin McSpadden","NameEn":"Kevin McSpadden","JobTitleTw":"新加坡科技媒體e27編輯","JobTitleEn":"Editor of e27","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041408456953.jpg","briefTw":"畢業於香港大學,曾於TIME、 Reuters服務,於2015年進入e27擔任編輯,致力於推廣亞洲創新創業生態系。平時喜愛戶外活動,探索無限可能。","briefEn":"As the Editor at e27 his main focus is to steer the ship for content and make long-term decisions for the editorial side of the company. \r\n\r\nHe learned the journalism trade at the University of Hong Kong. Professionally, Kevin cut his teeth as a Production Assistant at Reuters and a reporting intern at TIME. In 2015 he took the leap of faith to move to an unknown city and begin working at e27. \r\n\r\nWhen not working, Kevin likes to spend time outdoors exploring as much as is reasonably possible.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"e27","bnaEn":"e27","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":270,"NameTw":"Minesh Pore","NameEn":"Minesh Pore","JobTitleTw":"Head of Startup Launchpad at Global Sources","JobTitleEn":"Head of Startup Launchpad Global Sources","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041503527204.jpg","briefTw":"Minesh is a highly regarded global trade expert with over 15 years’ experience leading multinational organizations in corporate transformation, business development, and strategic planning.\r\n\r\nMr. Pore is currently the Director of International Business at Global Sources and Head of Startup Launchpad (SULP), a division dedicated to developing the global startup ecosystem through business conferences, investor-focused events, mentoring, manufacturing and supply-chain expertise, and direct access to global buyers.\r\n\r\nStartup Launchpad organizes Asia’s largest hardware startup tradeshow in Hong Kong every spring and fall, offering exhibitors access to distribution, manufacturing and thought leadership. The show provides companies with access to 60,000+ distributors and some of the largest and most recognized retailers worldwide. \r\n","briefEn":"Minesh is a highly regarded global trade expert with over 15 years’ experience leading multinational organizations in corporate transformation, business development, and strategic planning.\r\n\r\nMr. Pore is currently the Director of International Business at Global Sources and Head of Startup Launchpad (SULP), a division dedicated to developing the global startup ecosystem through business conferences, investor-focused events, mentoring, manufacturing and supply-chain expertise, and direct access to global buyers.\r\n\r\nStartup Launchpad organizes Asia’s largest hardware startup tradeshow in Hong Kong every spring and fall, offering exhibitors access to distribution, manufacturing and thought leadership. The show provides companies with access to 60,000+ distributors and some of the largest and most recognized retailers worldwide. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Global Sources","bnaEn":"Global Sources","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":271,"NameTw":"游直翰","NameEn":"Chih Han Yu","JobTitleTw":"執行長暨共同創辦人Appier","JobTitleEn":"Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder of Appier","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805151122418540.JPG","briefTw":"游直翰帶領Appier的產品研發和業務團隊,運用人工智慧為客戶解決複雜的跨螢商業難題。游直翰在學術領域曾從事多個極具代表性的人工智慧專案,如:代表史丹佛大學參加美國國防部 DARPA無人駕駛自動車競賽以及參加機器狗(Little Dog)研發專案。","briefEn":"Yu leads Appier’s product development and business teams, building AI to make cross screen easy for clients. He worked on iconic AI projects such as Stanford’s DARPA Challenge self-driving car and Little Dog before leaving academia.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Appier","bnaEn":"Appier","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":272,"NameTw":"Tom Vanhoutte","NameEn":"Tom Vanhoutte","JobTitleTw":"Imec.xpand創辦人暨管理合夥人","JobTitleEn":"Founder & Managing Partner of Imec.xpand","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805081517596735.jpg","briefTw":"Tom Vanhoutte is the founder and managing partner of imec.xpand a Belgian based venture capital fund that turns nanotechnology innovation into global businesses. Tom is a strong believer in giving talented entrepreneurs access to all the tools necessary to build successful ventures. imec.xpand identifies high potential opportunities at a very early stage and matches them with the knowledge, expertise and infrastructure of imec, the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nano-electronics and digital technologies. The imec.xpand team also believes in well-funded ventures from the very beginning so the entrepreneurs can focus on growing their business without having to worry about raising capital every few months. Prior to founding imec.xpand, Tom built 15 years of relevant private equity and venture capital experience at PwC in New York and at Capricorn Venture Partners where he was CFO, member of the management committee and member of the board. Tom holds a Master’s Degree in business engineering from the KU Leuven.","briefEn":"Tom Vanhoutte is the founder and managing partner of imec.xpand a Belgian based venture capital fund that turns nanotechnology innovation into global businesses. Tom is a strong believer in giving talented entrepreneurs access to all the tools necessary to build successful ventures. imec.xpand identifies high potential opportunities at a very early stage and matches them with the knowledge, expertise and infrastructure of imec, the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nano-electronics and digital technologies. The imec.xpand team also believes in well-funded ventures from the very beginning so the entrepreneurs can focus on growing their business without having to worry about raising capital every few months. Prior to founding imec.xpand, Tom built 15 years of relevant private equity and venture capital experience at PwC in New York and at Capricorn Venture Partners where he was CFO, member of the management committee and member of the board. Tom holds a Master’s Degree in business engineering from the KU Leuven.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Imec.xpand","bnaEn":"Imec.xpand","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":273,"NameTw":"林清詠","NameEn":"Ching Yung Lin","JobTitleTw":"Graphen, Inc. 執行長暨哥倫比亞大學教授","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Graphen, Inc. & Professor of Columbia University","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805101007167168.JPG","briefTw":"林清詠博士是Graphen公司的首席執行官,該公司是一家致力於開發人工智慧的公司,尤其是針對金融服務行業和醫療保健行業的新型解決方案。 2017年6月之前,他曾擔任Graph Computing領域的IBM首席科學家,並擔任IBM傑出研究員。他在IBM T. J. Watson研究中心創建並領導了網絡科學與機器智能部門。他自2005年起一直擔任哥倫比亞大學的教授,同時還是華盛頓大學2003-2009的附屬教授和2014年紐約大學的兼職教授。","briefEn":"Dr. Ching-Yung Lin is the CEO of Graphen, Inc., a startup company dedicated to developing next-generation Artificial Intelligence technologies, especially for novel solutions in the Financial Services industry and the Healthcare industry. Before June 2017, He was the IBM Chief Scientist, in the area of Graph Computing, and an IBM Distinguished Researcher. He created and led the Network Science and Machine Intelligence Department in IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He has been an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University since 2005 and was also an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington 2003-2009 and an Adjunct Professor at NYU in 2014.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Graphen, Inc.","bnaEn":"Graphen, Inc.","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":274,"NameTw":"王儷玲","NameEn":"Jennifer Wang","JobTitleTw":"國立政治大學副校長","JobTitleEn":"Vice President of National Cheng-Chi University ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805081523048649.JPG","briefTw":"王儷玲教授是國立政治大學副校長、產學營運暨創新育成總中心營運長、風險與保險研究中心主任委員以及金融科技研究中心主任。她同時也是台灣風險與保險學會理事長、中華民國退休基金協會理事長及中華民國投信投顧公會理事。她曾擔任金融監督管理委員會主任委員、財團法人保險安定基金董事長以及政治大學商學院副院長。她是美國天普大學風險管理與保險學系博士,對於風險管理、金融市場、金融科技、長壽風險、退休基金投資管理、年金保險等議題都有深入研究。","briefEn":"Professor Jennifer Wang is the Distinguished Professor and Vice President at National Cheng-Chi University. She is the chairman of Fintech Research Center at National Cheng-Chi University. She is also the current President of Pension Funds Association in Taiwan. For the past three years, she has served as the Chairperson of the Financial Supervisory Commission in Taiwan. Professor Wang was also elected as a board member of both the American Risk and Insurance Association and the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association. She was also the president of Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association (TRIA).","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"國立政治大學","bnaEn":"NCCU","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":275,"NameTw":"Alessandro Gasparini","NameEn":"Alessandro Gasparini","JobTitleTw":"ImmerVision執行副總暨行銷總監","JobTitleEn":"Executive Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer of ImmerVersion","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805220902241361.jpg","briefTw":"Alessandro Gasparini is Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer of ImmerVision, the global experts in wide-angle imaging technology and intelligent vision. He has more than two decades of experience, including over 15 years in the emerging technology space, in the areas of corporate strategy, technology innovation, strategic management, business definition, planning and execution, and sales & marketing. \r\nAlessandro joined ImmerVision in 2005 as Chief Commercial Officer and was later appointed to Executive Vice President. He is responsible for leading ImmerVision’s commercial strategy, global presence, and overseeing the company’s expansion into new markets.\r\nBefore ImmerVision, Alessandro was Vice President of Strategic Alliances and Business Development at Polyplan Technologies until it was acquired by PTC, a strategic partner.\r\nWhen not traveling the world, Alessandro fulfills his passion for alpine skiing. He is a certified Canadian Ski Instructor, and coaches, mentors and certifies new instructors. Alessandro has a penchant for sport cars, especially convertibles and when he’s not driving he enjoys fine dining and great wines.","briefEn":"Alessandro Gasparini is Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer of ImmerVision, the global experts in wide-angle imaging technology and intelligent vision. He has more than two decades of experience, including over 15 years in the emerging technology space, in the areas of corporate strategy, technology innovation, strategic management, business definition, planning and execution, and sales & marketing. \r\nAlessandro joined ImmerVision in 2005 as Chief Commercial Officer and was later appointed to Executive Vice President. He is responsible for leading ImmerVision’s commercial strategy, global presence, and overseeing the company’s expansion into new markets.\r\nBefore ImmerVision, Alessandro was Vice President of Strategic Alliances and Business Development at Polyplan Technologies until it was acquired by PTC, a strategic partner.\r\nWhen not traveling the world, Alessandro fulfills his passion for alpine skiing. He is a certified Canadian Ski Instructor, and coaches, mentors and certifies new instructors. Alessandro has a penchant for sport cars, especially convertibles and when he’s not driving he enjoys fine dining and great wines.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"ImmerVision","bnaEn":"ImmerVision","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":276,"NameTw":"Handol Kim","NameEn":"Handol Kim","JobTitleTw":"Quadrant總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of Quadrant","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805220925336296.jpg","briefTw":"Handol is the General Manager of Quadrant, a D-Wave Business. Handol has 20+ years of technology business experience in cloud, virtualization, HPC, mobile and telecom software in Silicon Valley, Asia and Canada.","briefEn":"Handol is the General Manager of Quadrant, a D-Wave Business. Handol has 20+ years of technology business experience in cloud, virtualization, HPC, mobile and telecom software in Silicon Valley, Asia and Canada.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Quadrant","bnaEn":"Quadrant","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":277,"NameTw":"葉啟信","NameEn":"Casey Yeh","JobTitleTw":"中鼎集團創新研發長","JobTitleEn":"Head of Group Research & Innovation Center of CTCI","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805221035065877.jpg","briefTw":"葉啓信先生1984年畢業於國立成功大學航空系後在美國愛荷華大學得到工業工程與管理研究所的碩士。畢業後在矽谷開始了電腦軟體工程師的工作,負責工廠自動化,ERP,CRM, 金融服務多項系統和軟體硏發工作,曾任VISA的電腦軟體開發總監。因為對產品研發和新科技應用有很大興趣,開始轉到大型科技專案管理的工作,在Autodesk負責電腦雲端平台研發的專案,以及新科技的產品化。於2017年應中鼎集團公司邀請,返台擔任集團創研長的工作,負責創新硏發的工作。","briefEn":"Casey Yeh graduated from the Aviation Department of National Cheng Kung University in 1984 and received a master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Iowa. After graduating, he’s working for factory automation, ERP, CRM, financial services, and various systems and software development as a computer software engineer in Silicon Valley. He used to be the computer software development director of VISA. Then, he was responsible for the research and development of cloud and the new technology in Autodesk. In 2017, at the invitation of the CTCI Corporation, he returned to Taiwan to work as a research director and was responsible for the work of innovation and development.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"中鼎集團 ","bnaEn":"CTCI","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":278,"NameTw":"Dr. Mario Urbina Cazenave","NameEn":"Dr. Mario Urbina Cazenave","JobTitleTw":"BMW集團首席 User Experience and Interaction Designer","JobTitleEn":"Lead User Experience & Interaction Design of BMW","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805221856473984.jpg","briefTw":"Mario Urbina Cazenave博士目前於BMW集團擔任首席使用者互動體驗設計師(lead UI/UX designer),負責包含BMW, MINI, 與Rolls-Royce品牌在車內或可攜式裝置上的iDrive 多媒體娛樂系統、觸控顯示介面,螢幕鑰匙、後座娛樂影音系統等互動裝置的設計與發想。專長於多媒體與人機互動等不同面向的開發,像是視線、語音、手勢的互動控制研發,或是視覺感知結合觸控系統的設計整合,為當代在智能互動領域中最傑出的專家。","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"BMW","bnaEn":"BMW","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":279,"NameTw":"Hironao Kunimitsu","NameEn":"Hironao Kunimitsu","JobTitleTw":"gumi Inc. 總裁暨執行長","JobTitleEn":"President & CEO of gumi Inc.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805251534563110.jpg","briefTw":"Mr. Hironao Kunimitsu founded gumi Inc., in June 2007 and it started listing on first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December, 2014. He has been its President since June 2007. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as Chief Executive Officer at Tokyo VR Startups. He joined Atmovie Inc. as a Company Director since May 2004. Mr. Kunimitsu produced movies and TV Dramas, and started ventures. He is a Director of inXile entertainment, Inc. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as a Director of gumi ventures. He has been Representative Director at gumi Inc. since June 2007. graduated from Santa Monica College.","briefEn":"Mr. Hironao Kunimitsu founded gumi Inc., in June 2007 and it started listing on first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December, 2014. He has been its President since June 2007. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as Chief Executive Officer at Tokyo VR Startups. He joined Atmovie Inc. as a Company Director since May 2004. Mr. Kunimitsu produced movies and TV Dramas, and started ventures. He is a Director of inXile entertainment, Inc. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as a Director of gumi ventures. He has been Representative Director at gumi Inc. since June 2007. graduated from Santa Monica College.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"gumi Inc.,","bnaEn":"gumi Inc.,","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":280,"NameTw":"Nils Beers","NameEn":"Nils Beers","JobTitleTw":"Startup Delta 總監","JobTitleEn":"Director of Startup Delta","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805251950263939.jpg","briefTw":"At the age of 22, Nils started his first company that built speedboats on solar power. After this, he was asked to develop new business for BAM, one of the largest construction companies of Europe with clients like Tesla, and he got another taste of the startup world by working for a well-funded scale up for electronic locking devices Clay. He then became the commercial director of Yes!Delft, the largest and most respected tech incubator of Europe. At StartupDelta Nils’ entrepreneurial mindset and commercial experience are essential in building the 1 innovation nation of Europe, together with corporates and leading policymakers.","briefEn":"At the age of 22, Nils started his first company that built speedboats on solar power. After this, he was asked to develop new business for BAM, one of the largest construction companies of Europe with clients like Tesla, and he got another taste of the startup world by working for a well-funded scale up for electronic locking devices Clay. He then became the commercial director of Yes!Delft, the largest and most respected tech incubator of Europe. At StartupDelta Nils’ entrepreneurial mindset and commercial experience are essential in building the 1 innovation nation of Europe, together with corporates and leading policymakers.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Startup Delta","bnaEn":"Startup Delta","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":281,"NameTw":"Andy Lürling","NameEn":"Andy Lürling","JobTitleTw":"LUMO Labs創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of LUMO Labs","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805251951473825.jpg","briefTw":"Andy is a Dutch serial entrepreneur in the high tech and creative industries. After selling the shares of his company iOpener Media GmbH in Germany in 2011 he started to advise and support start-ups in the high tech and creative industries. Noticing the lack of early stage ‘risk’ capital available for start-ups in Western Europe, Andy founded LUMO labs, a so-called venture builder in 2016. LUMO Labs is a two year venture builder program that besides providing seed funding, actively supports entrepreneurs with a ''hands on'' approach. LUMO labs mission is to facilitate a vibrant ecosystem and stimulate cross-pollination between start-ups. Its focus markets are on big data/deep learning, AI, VR/AR/MR, Blockchain and Robotics/IoT. Andy also is fostering social impact by creating awareness of the need for heightened focus on sustainability as well as creating profitable businesses. Andy divides his time between the Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and Los Angeles (USA) where the first two LUMO Labs are located. Andy holds a degree in Information Management from the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), and successfully completed the Master Class Technology, Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands).","briefEn":"Andy is a Dutch serial entrepreneur in the high tech and creative industries. After selling the shares of his company iOpener Media GmbH in Germany in 2011 he started to advise and support start-ups in the high tech and creative industries. Noticing the lack of early stage ‘risk’ capital available for start-ups in Western Europe, Andy founded LUMO labs, a so-called venture builder in 2016. LUMO Labs is a two year venture builder program that besides providing seed funding, actively supports entrepreneurs with a ''hands on'' approach. LUMO labs mission is to facilitate a vibrant ecosystem and stimulate cross-pollination between start-ups. Its focus markets are on big data/deep learning, AI, VR/AR/MR, Blockchain and Robotics/IoT. Andy also is fostering social impact by creating awareness of the need for heightened focus on sustainability as well as creating profitable businesses. Andy divides his time between the Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and Los Angeles (USA) where the first two LUMO Labs are located. Andy holds a degree in Information Management from the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), and successfully completed the Master Class Technology, Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands).","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"LUMO Labs","bnaEn":"LUMO Labs","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":282,"NameTw":"Dave Drach","NameEn":"Dave Drach","JobTitleTw":"Techstars經營策略部總經理","JobTitleEn":"Vice President of Corporate Strategy Techstars","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805280917040326.png","briefTw":"Dave Drach is Vice President of Corporate Strategy at Techstars where he helps entrepreneurs and corporates prosper together. With a small team at Techstars he created the first corporate backed, partnership driven, startup accelerator with the powered by Techstars model and has evolved that model into successful partnerships with corporations like Microsoft, Barclays, Disney, Google, Nike and Ford. Prior to Techstars Dave was a Managing Director in Microsoft’s Emerging Business Team, Microsoft’s venture arm. Prior to Microsoft he was with Great Plain Software and Boeing. He has an engineering degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Dave enjoys building hotrods, playing a little golf and spending time with his family.","briefEn":"Dave Drach is Vice President of Corporate Strategy at Techstars where he helps entrepreneurs and corporates prosper together. With a small team at Techstars he created the first corporate backed, partnership driven, startup accelerator with the powered by Techstars model and has evolved that model into successful partnerships with corporations like Microsoft, Barclays, Disney, Google, Nike and Ford. Prior to Techstars Dave was a Managing Director in Microsoft’s Emerging Business Team, Microsoft’s venture arm. Prior to Microsoft he was with Great Plain Software and Boeing. He has an engineering degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Dave enjoys building hotrods, playing a little golf and spending time with his family.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Techstars","bnaEn":"Techstars","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":283,"NameTw":"Edward Greve","NameEn":"Edward Greve","JobTitleTw":"IOTA Foundation首席工程師","JobTitleEn":"Head of Engineering IOTA Foundation","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805272104582582.jpeg","briefTw":"Edward Greve has been a software developer for a number of years, most recently at WillowTree Apps in North Carolina, where he worked on cutting edge digital products for nationally and internationally recognizable brands, such as CBC and National Geographic. His area of expertise is in full-stack web development, and he understands how to work with business partners to develop advanced cloud-based systems that support applications with a world-class user experience. Edward holds degrees in Mathematics and Physics from Rowan University and is fully self-taught in computer science. He is also a language enthusiast and polyglot, and he speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, Dutch, and French in addition to conversational bits and pieces in a half-dozen other languages from around the world. He spent almost a decade living and working in Taiwan. Edward Greve has a wide range of experience from different regions and brings with him a varied skill set to the IOTA Foundation, and while his primary role will be full stack front-end development, he plays a key role in supporting the IOTA Foundation’s efforts on the ground in Asia to establish IOTA as a standard in the region for IoT and beyond. His polyglot abilities is also a very useful asset for obvious reasons.","briefEn":"Edward Greve has been a software developer for a number of years, most recently at WillowTree Apps in North Carolina, where he worked on cutting edge digital products for nationally and internationally recognizable brands, such as CBC and National Geographic. His area of expertise is in full-stack web development, and he understands how to work with business partners to develop advanced cloud-based systems that support applications with a world-class user experience. Edward holds degrees in Mathematics and Physics from Rowan University and is fully self-taught in computer science. He is also a language enthusiast and polyglot, and he speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, Dutch, and French in addition to conversational bits and pieces in a half-dozen other languages from around the world. He spent almost a decade living and working in Taiwan. Edward Greve has a wide range of experience from different regions and brings with him a varied skill set to the IOTA Foundation, and while his primary role will be full stack front-end development, he plays a key role in supporting the IOTA Foundation’s efforts on the ground in Asia to establish IOTA as a standard in the region for IoT and beyond. His polyglot abilities is also a very useful asset for obvious reasons.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"IOTA Foundation","bnaEn":"IOTA Foundation","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":284,"NameTw":"丁彥允","NameEn":"Martin Tin","JobTitleTw":"喜門史塔雷克總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of 7STARLAKE","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805291159250670.jpg","briefTw":"身為喜門史塔雷克有限公司的創辦人與總經理,丁彥允秉持『聰明城市,智慧交通』的理念與構想,積極研究智慧無人科技及雲端平台,包括無人車、3D LiDAR智慧路口、V2X車聯網絡等等,更成立喜門史塔雷克,為未來人工智慧、無人科技、物聯網車聯網等前端技術提供平台,2017年5月,引進全台首輛無人車,並在各地區場域展開測試活動,開始了智慧城市的第一塊拼圖。","briefEn":"Human has been dreaming of smarter life for centuries, unmanned technology is one of main drive. In this program, SSL invites top technology and industry experts to discuss this innovative emerging force.\r\nPanelists including core technology “Lidar Sensor” and “computing” developers with application vehicle makers to share how their advanced know-how are shaping the new world and what’s new milestone to be achieved in near future. 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Skilled in Online Gaming, Casual Games, Social Games, Digital Marketing, and Value-Added Services (VAS). Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Master focused in Industrial Engineering from National Chiao Tung University.","briefEn":"Experienced Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the computer games industry. Skilled in Online Gaming, Casual Games, Social Games, Digital Marketing, and Value-Added Services (VAS). Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Master focused in Industrial Engineering from National Chiao Tung University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"隆中網絡","bnaEn":"Net Publishing","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":289,"NameTw":"Samson Ellis","NameEn":"Samson Ellis","JobTitleTw":"Bloomberg台北局長","JobTitleEn":"Taipei Bureau Chief of Bloomberg","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201806021501582487.jpg","briefTw":"We are the central nervous system of global finance. Born in 1981, Bloomberg is a forward-looking company focused on building products and solutions that are needed for the 21st century. As a global information and technology company, we connect decision makers to a dynamic network of data, people and ideas – accurately delivering business and financial information, news and insights to customers around the world.","briefEn":"We are the central nervous system of global finance. Born in 1981, Bloomberg is a forward-looking company focused on building products and solutions that are needed for the 21st century. As a global information and technology company, we connect decision makers to a dynamic network of data, people and ideas – accurately delivering business and financial information, news and insights to customers around the world.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Bloomberg","bnaEn":"Bloomberg","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":290,"NameTw":"Cindy Sui","NameEn":"Cindy Sui","JobTitleTw":"Correspondent of BBC","JobTitleEn":"Correspondent of BBC","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201806021523393371.jpg","briefTw":"BBC's Taiwan correspondent, based in Taipei. Previously worked in Beijing, Hong Kong and California. Love to look at all sides and share what I learn.","briefEn":"BBC's Taiwan correspondent, based in Taipei. Previously worked in Beijing, Hong Kong and California. Love to look at all sides and share what I learn.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"BBC","bnaEn":"BBC","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":291,"NameTw":"林德理","NameEn":"Jeffrey Ling","JobTitleTw":"Startup Ecosystem Builder","JobTitleEn":"Startup Ecosystem Builder","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201806121043527148.jpg","briefTw":"Jeffrey Ling is a startup ecosystem builder and innovator with particular interest in venture building and corporate innovation in Taiwan and beyond. He founded Entrepreneurs Society of Taiwan in 2011, currently numbering 4300+ members. Thereafter, he held leadership role in two startup ventures before joining Taiwan Startup Stadium, a government-funded project tasked with globalizing the Taiwan startup ecosystem, where he handled, among other things, startup development and investor relations. He has worked with over 100 tech startups covering various verticals. Before his startup-related roles, Jeffrey spent the first 10 years of his career as a legal professional in both New Zealand and Taiwan.","briefEn":"Jeffrey Ling is a startup ecosystem builder and innovator with particular interest in venture building and corporate innovation in Taiwan and beyond. He founded Entrepreneurs Society of Taiwan in 2011, currently numbering 4300+ members. Thereafter, he held leadership role in two startup ventures before joining Taiwan Startup Stadium, a government-funded project tasked with globalizing the Taiwan startup ecosystem, where he handled, among other things, startup development and investor relations. He has worked with over 100 tech startups covering various verticals. Before his startup-related roles, Jeffrey spent the first 10 years of his career as a legal professional in both New Zealand and Taiwan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Startup Ecosystem","bnaEn":"Startup Ecosystem","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":292,"NameTw":"鄭芳田","NameEn":"Fan-Tien Cheng","JobTitleTw":"教授","JobTitleEn":"Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231654021964.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Professor Fan-Tien Cheng focuses his academic researches on the production process improvement, production automation, e-Manufacturing/intelligent machinery, and Industry 4.0 of both high-tech (semiconductor, TFT-LCD, and solar-cell) and traditional (aerospace, blow molding machine, machine tool, and carbon fiber) industries. In this way, he has been helping various industries to surpass Industry 4.0 and reach the state of Industry 4.1 (Zero Defects). His splendid outcome of both academic and industrial applications has won him dozens of awards both internationally and domestically. He is thus famed \"the Father of Taiwan's semiconductor automation.\"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"國立成功大學智慧製造研究中心教授","boothInfoEn":"Professor of NCKU, Intelligent Manufacturing Research Center","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"國立成功大學智慧製造研究中心","bnaEn":"NCKU, Intelligent Manufacturing Research Center","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":294,"NameTw":"鄭永斌","NameEn":"Yung-Pin Cheng","JobTitleTw":"副教授","JobTitleEn":"Associate Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231659534725.jpg","briefTw":"鄭永斌教授在西元2000於美國 Purdue CS 獲得博士學位之後,回國加入國內的資訊工程研究與教育。他的研究領域與專長為軟體工程,專精於軟體測試,軟體除錯,軟體視覺化,物件導向分析,以及軟體自動化驗證等領域。另外,鄭永斌教授對於軟體開發的實務有很深入的探索,幾年來他擔任台積電軟體開發部門的顧問,負責引導他們朝世界級的軟體公司前進。近年來,鄭永斌教授執行多年期的科技部工業深耕計畫,所產出的研發成果已經為國內的幾個知名大廠所使用。學術方面,鄭永斌教授不定期在國際頂尖軟體工程學術會議發表論文,他也是台灣軟體工程學會的重要成員多年,推廣國內的軟體工程研究與教育不遺餘力。","briefEn":"Yung-Pin Cheng received his B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, in 1989 and 1991 respectively. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Purdue University, West Lafayette, U.S. 2000. His major research interest is in software engineering. He has published his papers in some important software engineering conference and journals, including SIGSOFT Foundation of Software Engineering (FSE), SIGSOFT ISSTA (International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis). His research topics include automatic software verification, software visualization, object-oriented design and analysis. He likes to build software engineering tools to try out new ideas.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"國立中央大學資訊工程系副教授","boothInfoEn":"Associate Professor of NCU, CSIE ","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"國立中央大學資訊工程系","bnaEn":"NCU, CSIE ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":295,"NameTw":"陳慶瀚","NameEn":"Qingqi Chen","JobTitleTw":"教授","JobTitleEn":"Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231701135911.jpg","briefTw":"MIAT(Machine Intelligence and Automation Technology)實驗室由陳慶瀚博士於1998年創立。實驗室宗旨在於建構一個領先全球的創新設計方法論,以此為核心從事前瞻嵌入式軟體和硬體以及應用系統研發。MIAT實驗室的碩博士生研究主題均根據產業的技術發展趨勢和實際需求來規劃,所研發的技術成果因此與產業應用價值緊密結合。","briefEn":"The MIAT (Machine Intelligence and Automation Technology) laboratory was founded in 1998 by Dr. Chen Qingqi. The purpose of the lab is to build a globally leading approach to innovative design, with a focus on forward-looking embedded software and hardware and application system development. The research themes of the doctoral students of MIAT Lab are all based on the technical development trend and actual needs of the industry. The technical results of the research and development are closely combined with the industrial application value.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"國立中央大學資訊工程系教授","boothInfoEn":"Professor of NCU, CSIE ","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"國立中央大學資訊工程系","bnaEn":"NCU, CSIE ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":296,"NameTw":"陳倩瑜","NameEn":"Chien-Yu Chen","JobTitleTw":"教授","JobTitleEn":" Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231702445503.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Dr. Chen, Chien-Yu is currently a professor of the department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering, National Taiwan University. From 2019/2/1, she also serves as the chief scientist of Genomic AI in the Taiwan AI Labs. She has expertise in Bioinformatics, machine learning, and gene regulatory networks. Dr. Chen received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1996, the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2003. With the strong background of developing machine learning algorithms during her Ph.D. study, the research of Dr. Chen mainly focuses on designing machine learning methods for solving problems of molecular biology, including predicting protein-DNA binding and variant pathogenicity, using both supervised learning such as classification/regression and unsupervised learning such as clustering/pattern mining.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"國立臺灣大學 生物產業機電工程學教授","boothInfoEn":" Professor of NTU, Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"國立臺灣大學 生物產業機電工程學","bnaEn":"NTU,Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":297,"NameTw":"賴飛羆","NameEn":"Feipei Lai","JobTitleTw":"醫務秘書/教授","JobTitleEn":"Secretary in medical affairs/Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231703350812.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Feipei Lai received a B.S.E.E. degree from National Taiwan University in 1980, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1984 and 1987, respectively.\r\nHe is a professor in the Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, the Graduate Institute of Medical Device and Imaging, the Graduate Institute of Health Policy and Management, the Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University. He serves as secretary in medical affairs, National Taiwan University Hospital. He was a vice superintendent of National Taiwan University Hospital. He was the chairman of Taiwan Network Information Center. His current research interest is Medical Informatics.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"臺大醫院醫務秘書/教授","boothInfoEn":"Secretary in medical affairs/Professor of National Taiwan University Hospital","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"臺大醫院","bnaEn":"National Taiwan University Hospital","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":298,"NameTw":"胡務亮","NameEn":"Paul Hwu","JobTitleTw":"主治醫生/教授","JobTitleEn":"Attending Physician/Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231704392749.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Dr. Paul Hwu is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) in Taiwan.\r\nProfessor Hwu completed his medical and PhD degrees at College of Medicine, National Taiwan University. He completed his residency at NTUH. He has also done fellowship at the Department of Genetics at Johns Hopkins University, and was a Visiting Scientist at the Department of Medical Genetics at Mayo Clinic. He was the Department Head of Medical Genetics at NTUH from 2006 to 2012, and the Inaugural President of the Taiwan Human Genetics Society from 1999 to 2002. He is a Board Member of the Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders.\r\n\r\nProfessor Hwu set up the Newborn Screening Program for Pompe Disease in Taiwan, one of the first in the world, and has dedicated much of his research and clinical effort in the diagnosis, management, and gene therapy for patients with rare genetic diseases. His recent interests include employing next generation sequencing (NGS) and artificial intelligence to facilitate the diagnosis of genetic disease and related conditions.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"臺大醫院基因學部暨小兒部主治醫生/教授","boothInfoEn":"Attending Physician/Professor of National Taiwan University Hospital","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"臺大醫院基因學部暨小兒部","bnaEn":"National Taiwan University Hospital","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":299,"NameTw":"楊泮池","NameEn":"Pan-Chyr Yang","JobTitleTw":"主治醫生/教授","JobTitleEn":"Attending Physician/Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231705265946.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Dr. Yang is Chair Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University College of Medicine. He was the former President of National Taiwan University. His major research interests are pulmonary and critical care medicine, lung cancer genomics and precision cancer therapy. He was elected as member of Academia Sinica in 2006 and the World Academic of Science in 2008 as well as the National Academy of Inventors of USA in 2015 because of his contributions in leading the translational research and implementation of precision medicine for lung cancer, which have significantly improved the survival in lung cancer patients in Taiwan. His research group identified novel biomarkers and pathways that associated with lung cancer risk and progression. They successfully established new platforms of theranostic applications of aptamer, lung cancer stem cell and tumor microenvironment directed therapy that may be beneficial and improve treatment outcome of lung cancer patients.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"臺大醫院內科部主治醫生/教授","boothInfoEn":"Attending Physician/Professor of National Taiwan University Hospital","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"臺大醫院內科部","bnaEn":"National Taiwan University Hospital","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":300,"NameTw":"伍紹勳","NameEn":"Sau-Hsuan Wu","JobTitleTw":"教授","JobTitleEn":"Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904261756370466.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Sau-Hsuan Wu received the B.S. and the M.S. degrees from National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, in 1990 and 1993, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, in 2003. From 1995 to 1999, and from 2004 to 2005, he served in the industry first as a senior circuit and system design engineer, and then as a technical consultant for wireless communication system designs. Since 2005, he has been with National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, and is currently a full Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests lie in the areas of signal processing, system design and performance analysis for wireless communications, and bio-medical signal processing. He has won the best paper award in IEEE Greencom 2013, and the first prize award in AIoT innovation contest in 2018 Mobileheroes. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"國立交大電機系教授","boothInfoEn":"Professor of NCTU, Electrical and Computer Engineering","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"國立交大電機系","bnaEn":"NCTU, Electrical and Computer Engineering","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":301,"NameTw":"宋俊瑩","NameEn":"Gene Song","JobTitleTw":"處長","JobTitleEn":"Technical Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231706493043.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"百歐精準生物醫學技術處處長","boothInfoEn":"Technical Director of AllBio Science Incorporated","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"百歐精準生物醫學技術處","bnaEn":"AllBio Science Incorporated","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":302,"NameTw":"Dominik Schiener","NameEn":"Dominik Schiener","JobTitleTw":"董事會主席","JobTitleEn":"Co-Chairman of the Boards of Directors & Founder","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241329137394.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"A passionate and aspiring entrepreneur. Dominik is currently working on several projects that make use of the Blockchain and Smart Contract to create new and socially impactful applications. 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As a Vice President at Pundi X, Peko has facilitated strategic partnerships as well as launched Pundi X payment products in the global markets. She leads Pundi X on branding, marketing and communications strategy, and other initiatives. \r\nPeko received her MBA from Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California and a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literature from National Sun Yat-sen University.","briefEn":"Peko Wan has over 15 year experience in the IT industry. As a Vice President at Pundi X, Peko has facilitated strategic partnerships as well as launched Pundi X payment products in the global markets. She leads Pundi X on branding, marketing and communications strategy, and other initiatives. \r\nPeko received her MBA from Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California and a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literature from National Sun Yat-sen University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Pundi X副總經理","boothInfoEn":"Vice President of Pundi X","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Pundi X","bnaEn":"Pundi X","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":305,"NameTw":"John Jorritsma","NameEn":"John Jorritsma","JobTitleTw":"市長","JobTitleEn":"Mayor ","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241421383032.jpg","briefTw":"John Jorritsma is a Dutch politician. He has been mayor of Eindhoven since 13 September 2016. He was the King's Commissioner of the Dutch province of Friesland between 16 May 2008 and 12 September 2016.\r\nJorritsma was a member of the States of North Brabant from 1994 to 1998. He was mayor of Cranendonck between 1997 and 2002.","briefEn":"John Jorritsma is a Dutch politician. He has been mayor of Eindhoven since 13 September 2016. He was the King's Commissioner of the Dutch province of Friesland between 16 May 2008 and 12 September 2016.\r\nJorritsma was a member of the States of North Brabant from 1994 to 1998. He was mayor of Cranendonck between 1997 and 2002.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"荷蘭愛因荷芬市市長","boothInfoEn":"Mayor of Netherlands, Eindhoven","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"荷蘭愛因荷芬市","bnaEn":"Netherlands, Eindhoven","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":306,"NameTw":"Alessandro Grande","NameEn":"Alessandro Grande","JobTitleTw":"Ecosystem Manager","JobTitleEn":"Ecosystem Manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240924218790.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Alessandro is the ecosystem manager in the automotive and IoT division at Arm. Alessandro is part of a global team that focuses on driving innovation by supporting a diverse range of developers building solutions in IoT, embedded, robotics, drones, machine learning and security. Alessandro joined Arm as an electronic engineer in 2014. After four years working as a design and validation engineer, he spent six months as an Education Specialist, equipping engineers from across the globe, with the right tools and support they needed to help students pursue a career in electronics and computer science. Prior to joining Arm, Alessandro achieved an master in nuclear physics, with a focus on electronics, from the University of Rome \"La Sapienza\", Italy.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Ecosystem Manager of Arm","boothInfoEn":"Ecosystem Manager of Arm","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"安謀控股公司","bnaEn":"Arm","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":317,"NameTw":"翁嘉盛","NameEn":"David Weng","JobTitleTw":"總經理","JobTitleEn":"General manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241445002334.jpg","briefTw":"翁嘉盛以在矽谷三十七年實戰經驗、專職天使投資人並有最高投報率逾百倍勝績,接任台灣第一個國家級投資公司:台杉投資管理顧問股份有限公司總經理。台杉投資已募集兩檔共百億元基金,看過數百新創公。台杉投資的投資領域包括物聯網領域五家、生技領域,海內外公司各占一半。其中物聯網基金已投資包含美國自駕車關鍵零組件廠光達技術(LIDAR),期待助台廠搶進自駕車供應鏈。\r\n","briefEn":"David Weng is recognized as a seasoned angel and venture investor with proven track record of bringing startups to successful IPOs, mergers and acquisitions. He focuses primarily on early-stage investments in Internet, enterprise software, wireless, cyber security, and rapidly-growing technology companies.\r\n\r\nHe has invested in about 80 early-stage high technology companies. Some of the more notable successes include the NetScreen Technologies IPO and its acquisition by Juniper Networks for US$4 billion, and Protego Networks' acquisition by Cisco Systems.\r\n\r\nPrior to his investment projects, David served as Software Engineering Director at Cisco Systems and at Hewlett-Packard before that. He actively participated in M&A activities during Cisco fast-growing time in the 90's. He has over 20 years of experience in software engineering and Internet technologies.\r\n\r\nDavid was President of the Silicon Valley Taiwan Angels Group and on the board of the San Jose State University Tower Foundation as he received his M.S. in Computer Science Engineering from San Jose State University in 1983.\r\n\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"台杉資本總經理","boothInfoEn":"General manager of Taiwania Capital Management Corporation","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"台杉資本","bnaEn":"Taiwania Capital Management Corporation","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":318,"NameTw":"徐竹先","NameEn":"Steve Hsu","JobTitleTw":"總經理","JobTitleEn":"General manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241427525356.jpg","briefTw":"Mr. Hsu found TXA Private Board which is the largest Advisory Board organization in Taiwan with records of over 260 board meetings in major cities in Asia. Mr. Hsu has nurtured over 600 startups with over 20 listed in Taiwan Stock Market. Mr. Hsu has over 20 years of experience on business consultant, corporate training, new business development, venture investment, and startup incubation.","briefEn":"Mr. Hsu found TXA Private Board which is the largest Advisory Board organization in Taiwan with records of over 260 board meetings in major cities in Asia. Mr. Hsu has nurtured over 600 startups with over 20 listed in Taiwan Stock Market. Mr. Hsu has over 20 years of experience on business consultant, corporate training, new business development, venture investment, and startup incubation.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"TXA 創業家私董會總經理","boothInfoEn":"General manager of TXA Private Board","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"TXA 創業家私董會","bnaEn":"TXA Private Board ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":320,"NameTw":"林弘全","NameEn":"Light Lin","JobTitleTw":"創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240934444886.jpg","briefTw":"Light Lin is the Co-Founder of Poseidon Network, a decentralized content acceleration network based on Edge Computing, and Co-Founder of BiiLabs, a Taiwan-based startup focusing on distributed ledger technology (DLT) with IOTA, providing scalable Internet of Things (IoT) applications to build a trusted economy. Its specialities include secured data transaction for distributed identification, smart city solutions (e.g. Air Quality Sensor Grid), and smart energy management. It partners with Taipei City Government, IOTA Foundation and other world-class organizations to enable industry innovation with real-world use cases. \r\n\r\nPrior to BiiLabs, Light Lin co-founded (2003-2007, acquired by Yahoo!), (2012-2017, successful exit), and also managed 2 angel funds (37 portfolios with 40M USD AUM).\r\n\r\nLight Lin received 2014 “Award for Creativity & Research” from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, a key indicative award in technology field. He also sits on the “Youth Advisory Board” for Governmental Executive Yuan. He received the “100 MVP Managers Award” in 2014, and also “Young Achiever Award” from Monte Jade Science & Technology Association, a key organization that takes a pro-active role in enhancing Taiwan’s tech entrepreneurship. \r\n\r\nIn 2015, he was invited by Taipei City Government to serve as the Advisor for Taipei Municipal. He also actively participates in the legislative process toward a more open platform for equity crowdfunding. In addition, he advises the amendment in corporate laws that govern closely-held companies.\r\n\r\nIn 2016, he joined the Advisory Committee of National Project ASVDA (Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency). In 2017, he serves on the Advisory Committee of DIGI+ (a national digitalization project) by Executive Yuan.","briefEn":"Light Lin is the Co-Founder of Poseidon Network, a decentralized content acceleration network based on Edge Computing, and Co-Founder of BiiLabs, a Taiwan-based startup focusing on distributed ledger technology (DLT) with IOTA, providing scalable Internet of Things (IoT) applications to build a trusted economy. Its specialities include secured data transaction for distributed identification, smart city solutions (e.g. Air Quality Sensor Grid), and smart energy management. It partners with Taipei City Government, IOTA Foundation and other world-class organizations to enable industry innovation with real-world use cases. \r\n\r\nPrior to BiiLabs, Light Lin co-founded (2003-2007, acquired by Yahoo!), (2012-2017, successful exit), and also managed 2 angel funds (37 portfolios with 40M USD AUM).\r\n\r\nLight Lin received 2014 “Award for Creativity & Research” from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, a key indicative award in technology field. He also sits on the “Youth Advisory Board” for Governmental Executive Yuan. He received the “100 MVP Managers Award” in 2014, and also “Young Achiever Award” from Monte Jade Science & Technology Association, a key organization that takes a pro-active role in enhancing Taiwan’s tech entrepreneurship. \r\n\r\nIn 2015, he was invited by Taipei City Government to serve as the Advisor for Taipei Municipal. He also actively participates in the legislative process toward a more open platform for equity crowdfunding. In addition, he advises the amendment in corporate laws that govern closely-held companies.\r\n\r\nIn 2016, he joined the Advisory Committee of National Project ASVDA (Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency). In 2017, he serves on the Advisory Committee of DIGI+ (a national digitalization project) by Executive Yuan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"POSEIDON NETWORK創辦人","boothInfoEn":"Founder of POSEIDON NETWORK","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"POSEIDON NETWORK","bnaEn":"POSEIDON NETWORK","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":323,"NameTw":" Zvika Popper","NameEn":" Zvika Popper","JobTitleTw":"策略總監","JobTitleEn":"VP of Strategy","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905081642249948.png","briefTw":"Zvika Popper is part of the founding team of HYPE Sports Innovation - the largest global sports innovation ecosystem of over 40K members. HYPE is dedicated to positively impact people’s lives through the power of sports and innovation. Zvika is also leading HYPE's annual TOP50 programs while personally mentoring and supporting dozens of startups from around the globe. He holds Bsc in Environmental Health and MA in Sustainable Development and has vast experience in leading various large scale international projects (public and private) and strategic collaborations.","briefEn":"Zvika Popper is part of the founding team of HYPE Sports Innovation - the largest global sports innovation ecosystem of over 40K members. HYPE is dedicated to positively impact people’s lives through the power of sports and innovation. Zvika is also leading HYPE's annual TOP50 programs while personally mentoring and supporting dozens of startups from around the globe. He holds Bsc in Environmental Health and MA in Sustainable Development and has vast experience in leading various large scale international projects (public and private) and strategic collaborations.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"HYPE Sports Innovation策略總監","boothInfoEn":"VP Strategy of HYPE Sports Innovation","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"HYPE Sports Innovation","bnaEn":"HYPE Sports Innovation","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":324,"NameTw":"黃經堯","NameEn":"ChingYao Huang","JobTitleTw":"理事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240938100734.jpg","briefTw":"黃經堯理事長七十六年台大物理系畢業後,前往美國取得紐澤西理工學院電機碩士,接著取得羅格斯大學電子電腦工程博士,現交通大學電機學院副院長、台南分部主任、產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心主任。","briefEn":"Before joining NCTU in 2002, Dr. Huang was with Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies where he was a project leader of 3.5G cellular system development. Dr. Huang was the recipient of \"Bell Labs Team Award\" in 2003, \"Best Paper Award\" from IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference in 2004, and \"Outstanding Achievement Award\" from National Chiao Tung University in the years of 2007-2015. Besides Dr. Huang's academic achievement, Dr. Huang and his team were awarded the \"Best Industry Contribution\" from the Minister of Economic Affairs in 2013 due to the contribution in IPR management and innovation ecosystem. In 2013, Dr. Huang further established the first University Business Accelerator in Taiwan, called \"Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy\". With more than 50 universities participated, the center carries two national missions in both business acceleration for startups and IPR alliance. The center is UBI index (Sweden) ranked 7 global Incubator/accelerator in 2014 and 2015.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"亞太加速器網絡協會理事長","boothInfoEn":"Chairman of Asia-Pacific Accelerator Network(AAN)","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"亞太加速器網絡協會","bnaEn":"Asia-Pacific Accelerator Network(AAN)","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":326,"NameTw":"黃彥菱","NameEn":"Molly Huang","JobTitleTw":"執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240925215994.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Velodash執行長","boothInfoEn":"CEO of Velodash","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Velodash","bnaEn":"Velodash","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":327,"NameTw":"Katrina Chan","NameEn":"Katrina Chan","JobTitleTw":"總監","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241401414808.jpeg","briefTw":"Kat serves as Director of QBO, a Philippine innovation hub and startup platform which she cofounded in 2016. QBO is the first of its kind public-private partnership initiative in the country formed by a collaboration among the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Industry, IdeaSpace and J.P. Morgan, specifically geared to provide resources, connections and support to accelerate the growth of Philippine tech startup companies. At QBO, Kat advises startups and leads overall program and business development activities collaborating closely with startup ecosystem partners.\r\n\r\nKat previously served as Associate Director and Head of Growth and Strategy at IdeaSpace, the Philippines’ largest private startup accelerator, and draws on prior experience working with senior management in corporate development, capital markets and process engineering positions.\r\n\r\nKat completed her undergraduate degree at Carnegie Mellon University, obtaining a degree in Materials Science and Engineering, with a double major in Business Administration. Kat is a Filipina millennial that advocates for spurring innovation and technopreneurship as an engine for driving economic growth and global competitiveness in emerging economies.\r\n","briefEn":"Kat serves as Director of QBO, a Philippine innovation hub and startup platform which she cofounded in 2016. QBO is the first of its kind public-private partnership initiative in the country formed by a collaboration among the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Industry, IdeaSpace and J.P. Morgan, specifically geared to provide resources, connections and support to accelerate the growth of Philippine tech startup companies. At QBO, Kat advises startups and leads overall program and business development activities collaborating closely with startup ecosystem partners.\r\n\r\nKat previously served as Associate Director and Head of Growth and Strategy at IdeaSpace, the Philippines’ largest private startup accelerator, and draws on prior experience working with senior management in corporate development, capital markets and process engineering positions.\r\n\r\nKat completed her undergraduate degree at Carnegie Mellon University, obtaining a degree in Materials Science and Engineering, with a double major in Business Administration. Kat is a Filipina millennial that advocates for spurring innovation and technopreneurship as an engine for driving economic growth and global competitiveness in emerging economies.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Qbo Innovation Hub總監","boothInfoEn":"Director of Qbo Innovation Hub","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Qbo Innovation Hub","bnaEn":"Qbo Innovation Hub","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":332,"NameTw":"佐藤將史","NameEn":"Masashi Sato","JobTitleTw":"經理","JobTitleEn":"Manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240935417949.jpg","briefTw":"佐藤將史先生任職於野村綜合研究所,從事宇宙產業及振興創投,為主軸,產業創造與育成,開放式創新,產學合作,針對政府和智慧產權相關的政府及公司客戶的諮詢顧問業務。\r\n他於東京大學理學部畢業(2001年,地球與行星物理學),東京大學理學研究科修完(2003年,地球與行星科學),加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)MPP(2013年,公共政策碩士),曾任職日本內政部“關於宇宙利用的未來象等相關懇談會”主要成員,日本內政部“開拓宇宙專案組”成員。 Softbank Creative“商業 + IT”刊物之“宇宙商業”連載中。","briefEn":"Mr. Masashi Sato is a business management consultant having worked on startup ecosystem development, open innovation, industry policy, public affairs, and NewSpace development.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"野村綜合研究所經理","boothInfoEn":"Manager of Nomura Research Institute","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"野村綜合研究所","bnaEn":"Nomura Research Institute","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":333,"NameTw":"Jeff Karp","NameEn":"Jeff Karp","JobTitleTw":"教授","JobTitleEn":"Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240933480464.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Jeff Karp works in the fields of drug delivery, medical devices, stem cell therapeutics, and tissue adhesives. He has published over 125 peer-reviewed papers, with >17,000 citations, and has given over 300 invited lectures. He has over 100 issued or pending national and international patents. Several technologies developed in his lab have led to multiple products currently in development or on the market and for the launch of seven companies that have raised over $180 million in funding \r\n\r\nKarp has received over 50 awards and honors. Boston Magazine recently recognized Karp as one of 11 Boston Doctors Making Medical Breakthroughs. The Boston Business Journal recognized him as a Champion in Healthcare Innovation and MIT’s Technology Review Magazine (TR35) also recognized Karp as being one of the top innovators in the world (three members from his laboratory have subsequently received this award). Karp was elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering’s College of Fellows in 2013 and a fellow of the Biomediacl Engineering Society (BMES) in 2018. \r\n\r\nIn addition to his research goals, Karp is dedicated to developing the careers of the next generation bioengineers at the forefront of regenerative medicine. He was selected as the Outstanding Faculty Undergraduate Mentor among all faculty at MIT and he received the HST McMahon Mentoring award for being the top mentor of Harvard-MIT students. To date, 20 trainees from his laboratory have secured faculty positions. ","briefEn":"Dr. Jeff Karp works in the fields of drug delivery, medical devices, stem cell therapeutics, and tissue adhesives. He has published over 125 peer-reviewed papers, with >17,000 citations, and has given over 300 invited lectures. He has over 100 issued or pending national and international patents. Several technologies developed in his lab have led to multiple products currently in development or on the market and for the launch of seven companies that have raised over $180 million in funding \r\n\r\nKarp has received over 50 awards and honors. Boston Magazine recently recognized Karp as one of 11 Boston Doctors Making Medical Breakthroughs. The Boston Business Journal recognized him as a Champion in Healthcare Innovation and MIT’s Technology Review Magazine (TR35) also recognized Karp as being one of the top innovators in the world (three members from his laboratory have subsequently received this award). Karp was elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering’s College of Fellows in 2013 and a fellow of the Biomediacl Engineering Society (BMES) in 2018. \r\n\r\nIn addition to his research goals, Karp is dedicated to developing the careers of the next generation bioengineers at the forefront of regenerative medicine. He was selected as the Outstanding Faculty Undergraduate Mentor among all faculty at MIT and he received the HST McMahon Mentoring award for being the top mentor of Harvard-MIT students. To date, 20 trainees from his laboratory have secured faculty positions. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"哈佛大學教授","boothInfoEn":"Professor of Harvard University","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"哈佛大學","bnaEn":"Harvard University","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":336,"NameTw":"Giuseppe Izzo","NameEn":"Giuseppe Izzo","JobTitleTw":"理事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240934046954.jpg","briefTw":"Giuseppe Izzo現擔任意法半導體亞太區副總裁暨台灣區總經理。\r\n\r\nGiuseppe Izzo於1987年加入SGS-Thomson半導體公司 (意法半導體的前身),此後不久被公司派駐亞洲,曾於韓國、台灣、香港、中國大陸多個國家定居工作,在意法半導體亞太區擔任過多項職務,包括電源管理、消費性電子、電腦系統、汽車電子及多重市場半導體等產品的行銷與銷售、應用開發及產品設計。Giuseppe Izzo創辦了意法半導體上海汽車電子和多元系統能力中心和意法半導體台灣電源管理能力中心,為公司在個人電腦主機板電源管理解決方案市場的成功以及開拓亞太區車身和動力系統及數位音效市場做出了貢獻。\r\n","briefEn":"Giuseppe Izzo is Regional Vice President and Taiwan Managing Director at STMicroelectronics’ Asia Pacific Region.\r\n\r\nIzzo joined SGS-Thomson Microelectronics (now STMicroelectronics) in 1987 and shortly thereafter relocated to Asia, living and working in many different Countries, from Korea to Taiwan, to Hong Kong to China. He has held various positions within ST’s Asia Pacific organization, covering marketing, application development and product design for power management, consumer and computer systems, automotive, and multi-segment products. Izzo established ST’s Automotive and Multi-Systems Competence Centers in Shanghai and Power Management Competence Center in Taiwan, contributing to the Company’s success in power management solutions for PC motherboards and building its presence in the car body and power train arenas, as well as the digital audio markets in Asia Pacific. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"歐洲在台商務協會理事長","boothInfoEn":"Chairman of European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"歐洲在台商務協會","bnaEn":"European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":338,"NameTw":"柯博升","NameEn":"Bor-Sheng (Kevin) Ko","JobTitleTw":"內科部主治醫師","JobTitleEn":"Attending Physician","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904260913545007.jpg","briefTw":"Bor-Sheng (Kevin) Ko received his M.D. degree in Medical College of National Taiwan University, and Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Taiwan University in 2011. He is currently an attending physician of the Hematology Division and assistant professor at National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), the president of Taiwan Society of Blood and Marrow Transplant (TBMT), and the president of Taiwan Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (TASPOR). In addition, he also serves as a committee member of multiple committees in Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA), and Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in the past years. He is the co-founder for this NTUH IRB approved AHEAD project and responsible for clinical validation for the algorithm and development for related clinical application.","briefEn":"Bor-Sheng (Kevin) Ko received his M.D. degree in Medical College of National Taiwan University, and Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Taiwan University in 2011. He is currently an attending physician of the Hematology Division and assistant professor at National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), the president of Taiwan Society of Blood and Marrow Transplant (TBMT), and the president of Taiwan Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (TASPOR). In addition, he also serves as a committee member of multiple committees in Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA), and Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in the past years. He is the co-founder for this NTUH IRB approved AHEAD project and responsible for clinical validation for the algorithm and development for related clinical application.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"臺大醫院內科部主治醫師","boothInfoEn":"Attending Physician at National Taiwan University Hospital","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"台大醫院","bnaEn":"National Taiwan University Hospital","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":339,"NameTw":"Ravi Belani","NameEn":"Ravi Belani","JobTitleTw":"Managing Partner","JobTitleEn":"Managing Partner","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904260927079631.jpg","briefTw":"Ravi Belani is co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist. He also teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford. He led the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson’s and worked as a consultant at McKinsey. BS & MS from Stanford Univ., and MBA form Harvard Business School.","briefEn":"Ravi Belani is co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist. He also teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford. He led the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson’s and worked as a consultant at McKinsey. BS & MS from Stanford Univ., and MBA form Harvard Business School.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Alchemist Accelerator Managing Director","boothInfoEn":"Alchemist Accelerator Managing Director","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2018,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Alchemist Accelerator ","bnaEn":"Alchemist Accelerator ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":340,"NameTw":"Ravi Belani","NameEn":"Ravi Belani","JobTitleTw":"Managing Director","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904260930471357.jpg","briefTw":"Ravi Belani is co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist. He also teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford. He led the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson’s and worked as a consultant at McKinsey. BS & MS from Stanford Univ., and MBA form Harvard Business School.","briefEn":"Ravi Belani is co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist. He also teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford. He led the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson’s and worked as a consultant at McKinsey. BS & MS from Stanford Univ., and MBA form Harvard Business School.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist","boothInfoEn":"Co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Alchemist Accelerator ","bnaEn":"Alchemist Accelerator ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":343,"NameTw":"Edouard Plus","NameEn":"Edouard Plus","JobTitleTw":"Fintech Business Incubator","JobTitleEn":"Fintech Business Incubator","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904261752099993.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Fintech Business Incubator of Paris&Co","boothInfoEn":"Fintech Business Incubator of Paris&Co","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Paris&Co","bnaEn":"Paris&Co","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":344,"NameTw":"Seth Welday","NameEn":"Seth Welday","JobTitleTw":"Product Marketing Manager","JobTitleEn":"Product Marketing Manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904261800533772.jpg","briefTw":"Seth started as a developer evangelist at Dronesmith Technologies, a provider of IoT drone hardware and software for developers and businesses. Currently, he works at Seeed Studios promoting and shaping new IoT hardware with the aim of creating a more connected and sustainable world. Seth believes that this vision can become a reality by supporting developers with flexible IoT platforms to allow them to innovate and quickly move to field-ready devices.","briefEn":"Seth started as a developer evangelist at Dronesmith Technologies, a provider of IoT drone hardware and software for developers and businesses. Currently, he works at Seeed Studios promoting and shaping new IoT hardware with the aim of creating a more connected and sustainable world. Seth believes that this vision can become a reality by supporting developers with flexible IoT platforms to allow them to innovate and quickly move to field-ready devices.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"SEEED Studios產品行銷經理","boothInfoEn":"Product Marketing Manager of SEEED Studios","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"SEEED Studios","bnaEn":"SEEED Studios","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":345,"NameTw":"Stephen Su","NameEn":"Stephen Su","JobTitleTw":"Senior Solution Specialist","JobTitleEn":"Senior Solution Specialist","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904261802533911.jpg","briefTw":"Based in San Jose office. Focus on maximizing the long-term success and revenue in IoT and embedded segments. Lead customer engagement across the whole value chain - design wins, OEM and SIP engagement in new markets and new business development. Stephen is also the Product Manager of Armv7-A cores to manage product portfolio of Cortex-A5, A7, A9, A15 and 17. Before Arm, Stephen was the Applications Engineering Manager at Apical Ltd.","briefEn":"Based in San Jose office. Focus on maximizing the long-term success and revenue in IoT and embedded segments. Lead customer engagement across the whole value chain - design wins, OEM and SIP engagement in new markets and new business development. Stephen is also the Product Manager of Armv7-A cores to manage product portfolio of Cortex-A5, A7, A9, A15 and 17. Before Arm, Stephen was the Applications Engineering Manager at Apical Ltd.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Senior Solution Specialist, Arm Automotive & IoT Line of Business group","boothInfoEn":"Senior Solution Specialist, Arm Automotive & IoT Line of Business group","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Arm Automotive & IoT Line of Business group","bnaEn":"Arm Automotive & IoT Line of Business group","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":346,"NameTw":"趙式隆","NameEn":"Jack Chao","JobTitleTw":"理事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905061315226247.jpg","briefTw":"Jack is extolled as the rising star of Taiwanese entrepreneurs. As a scholar, he is the youngest PhD. Candidate of the department of electrical engineering in National Taiwan University (NTU). His research results in wireless mobile networks are widely adopted in 4G international standard communication protocols. \r\n\r\nAs a teacher, he is the co-founder of Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program (CEP) in NTU. In addition, his lecture about mobile and Internet application development was one of the most popular courses in NTU. As a serial entrepreneur, he founded his first startup company when he was 19 years old. In 2013, he founded Zuvio, which is one of the market leaders of educational technology in both Taiwan and mainland China. \r\n\r\nSince 2017, Jack has been devoting himself to Fintech. His company, BravoAI focuses on providing AI solutions for insurance industry and stays ahead of the competition. More than that, Jack also dedicates his life to government policies and laws for startups. Currently, he is the chairman of the Association of Taiwanese Startup in Silicon Valley (SVEAT) and XFail Conference, which is one of the most important annual events for startups in Taiwan.","briefEn":"Jack is extolled as the rising star of Taiwanese entrepreneurs. As a scholar, he is the youngest PhD. Candidate of the department of electrical engineering in National Taiwan University (NTU). His research results in wireless mobile networks are widely adopted in 4G international standard communication protocols. \r\n\r\nAs a teacher, he is the co-founder of Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program (CEP) in NTU. In addition, his lecture about mobile and Internet application development was one of the most popular courses in NTU. As a serial entrepreneur, he founded his first startup company when he was 19 years old. In 2013, he founded Zuvio, which is one of the market leaders of educational technology in both Taiwan and mainland China. \r\n\r\nSince 2017, Jack has been devoting himself to Fintech. His company, BravoAI focuses on providing AI solutions for insurance industry and stays ahead of the competition. More than that, Jack also dedicates his life to government policies and laws for startups. Currently, he is the chairman of the Association of Taiwanese Startup in Silicon Valley (SVEAT) and XFail Conference, which is one of the most important annual events for startups in Taiwan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"台灣矽谷創業家協會理事長","boothInfoEn":"Chairman of Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Association of Taiwan","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"台灣矽谷創業家協會","bnaEn":"Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Association of Taiwan","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":347,"NameTw":"許秀玲","NameEn":"Maggie Hsu","JobTitleTw":"組長 ","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905061608582464.jpg","briefTw":"Maggie is now the Director of International and Cross-Strait Sports Division at the\r\nSports Administration, Ministry of Education (SAMOE), as well as a current member of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee (CTOC).\r\n\r\nShe got her master degree from the University of Texas at Austin in USA and bachelor\r\ndegree from the National Cheng-Chi University (NCCU) in Taiwan.\r\n\r\nBeing a junior handball player, she has passion in sports and has been working for\r\nthe sports related fields for years. Her job is to bring major sporting events to Taiwan,\r\nincluding 2009 Kaohsiung World Games, 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade, etc.\r\n\r\nShe used to be the Assistant to the APEC SMEWG Chair 2011-2012, initiated the APEC Accelerator Network (AAN) in 2012 and launched the APEC Sports Policy Network (ASPN) in 2016.\r\n\r\nIn 2018, SAMOE cooperated with HYPE Sports Innovation and National Chiao Tung University to set up Asia’s first sports innovation accelerator, a step further to advance sportsmanship to entrepreneurship in the Asia Pacific region.\r\n","briefEn":"Maggie is now the Director of International and Cross-Strait Sports Division at the\r\nSports Administration, Ministry of Education (SAMOE), as well as a current member of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee (CTOC).\r\n\r\nShe got her master degree from the University of Texas at Austin in USA and bachelor\r\ndegree from the National Cheng-Chi University (NCCU) in Taiwan.\r\n\r\nBeing a junior handball player, she has passion in sports and has been working for\r\nthe sports related fields for years. Her job is to bring major sporting events to Taiwan,\r\nincluding 2009 Kaohsiung World Games, 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade, etc.\r\n\r\nShe used to be the Assistant to the APEC SMEWG Chair 2011-2012, initiated the APEC Accelerator Network (AAN) in 2012 and launched the APEC Sports Policy Network (ASPN) in 2016.\r\n\r\nIn 2018, SAMOE cooperated with HYPE Sports Innovation and National Chiao Tung University to set up Asia’s first sports innovation accelerator, a step further to advance sportsmanship to entrepreneurship in the Asia Pacific region.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"體育署國際及兩岸運動組長","boothInfoEn":"Director of Int'l & Cross-Strait Div, Sports Admin of MOE","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"體育署國際及兩岸運動組","bnaEn":"Int'l & Cross-Strait Div, Sports Admin of MOE","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":348,"NameTw":"梁洛杭","NameEn":"Laurent Le Guyader","JobTitleTw":"Community Lead & Member of the board","JobTitleEn":"Community Lead & Member of the board","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905080945439038.jpg","briefTw":"For the past ten years Laurent has facilitated partnerships between Europe, China and Taiwan at multiple levels. In the biology and medical sectors at first as a French researcher (Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 2008-2011) then as business developer for a Belgian healthcare cluster (BioWin, Shanghai, 2011-2015). This allowed him to build a strong knowledge of the whole value chain in healthcare, from biomanufacturing to connected health. Then, as international innovation Experts for the French ministry of foreign affairs (MOST, Taipei, 2016-2018) he has widened this expertise into key technological sectors driving innovation such as IoT, AI, Greentech...\r\n\r\nLaurent always has played a role in bridging and in federating innovation stakeholders: a good example is the establishment of La French Tech official community in Taiwan which took a lot of efforts to assemble French and Taiwanese stakeholders toward a common goal, as well as some convincing at the government level. La French Tech Taiwan, with an office in Taiwan Tech Arena, is today a strong platform to supports Taiwanese start-ups in accessing France’s resources and reciprocally. Laurent is board member of La French Tech Taiwan since 2016.\r\n\r\nLately he has been working with French IoT company Sigfox (2018-present) and successfully established its second global Hacking House, which opened last March at Digiblock Taipei.\r\n\r\nLaurent graduated in Biophysics, Toulouse University, France. He is married and lives in Taipei.","briefEn":"For the past ten years Laurent has facilitated partnerships between Europe, China and Taiwan at multiple levels. In the biology and medical sectors at first as a French researcher (Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 2008-2011) then as business developer for a Belgian healthcare cluster (BioWin, Shanghai, 2011-2015). This allowed him to build a strong knowledge of the whole value chain in healthcare, from biomanufacturing to connected health. Then, as international innovation Experts for the French ministry of foreign affairs (MOST, Taipei, 2016-2018) he has widened this expertise into key technological sectors driving innovation such as IoT, AI, Greentech...\r\n\r\nLaurent always has played a role in bridging and in federating innovation stakeholders: a good example is the establishment of La French Tech official community in Taiwan which took a lot of efforts to assemble French and Taiwanese stakeholders toward a common goal, as well as some convincing at the government level. La French Tech Taiwan, with an office in Taiwan Tech Arena, is today a strong platform to supports Taiwanese start-ups in accessing France’s resources and reciprocally. Laurent is board member of La French Tech Taiwan since 2016.\r\n\r\nLately he has been working with French IoT company Sigfox (2018-present) and successfully established its second global Hacking House, which opened last March at Digiblock Taipei.\r\n\r\nLaurent graduated in Biophysics, Toulouse University, France. He is married and lives in Taipei.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Community Lead & Member of the board at French Tech Taiwan","boothInfoEn":"Community Lead & Member of the board at French Tech Taiwan","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"FRENCH TECH TAIWAN","bnaEn":"FRENCH TECH TAIWAN","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":349,"NameTw":"孫民","NameEn":"Min Sun","JobTitleTw":"首席人工智慧科學家","JobTitleEn":"Chief AI Scientist","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905130950188129.jpg","briefTw":"孫民現任Appier首席人工智慧科學家,同時也是清華大學電機工程學系副教授。\r\n孫民師承頂尖人工智慧專家吳恩達(Andrew Ng)、李飛飛及Silvio Savarese,曾在由李飛飛所主導的ImageNet圖像識別研究計畫中參與草創期的系統設計,也曾協助開發機器人作業系統(ROS)及微軟Kinect人體姿勢辨識系統。\r\n孫民專精電腦視覺、自然語言處理、深度學習與強化學習,並擁有兩項美國專利,曾獲頒傑出人才發展基金會第六屆年輕學者創新獎。\r\n孫民擁有密西根大學電機博士學位與史丹佛大學電機碩士學位。","briefEn":"Dr. Min Sun is Chief Artificial Intelligence (AI) Scientist of Appier. He joined Appier from National Tsing Hua University , where he served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering.\r\n\r\nDr. Sun has worked under some of the most influential AI leaders, including Andrew Ng, Fei-Fei Li and Silvio Savarese. He contributed crowdsourcing ideas to the revolutionary ImageNet project led by Fei-Fei Li in 2009, and he is also an early contributor to the Robot Operating System (ROS) and Microsoft Kinect’s human pose estimation system.\r\n\r\nHis areas of expertise are computer vision, natural language processing, deep learning, and reinforcement learning. \r\n\r\nDr. Sun received his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering: System from the University of Michigan and his M.S in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Appier首席人工智慧科學家","boothInfoEn":"Chief AI Scientist of Appier","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"沛星互動科技股份有限公司","bnaEn":"Appier","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":351,"NameTw":"Kevin Su","NameEn":"Kevin Su","JobTitleTw":"Project Manager","JobTitleEn":"Project Manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905272343191582.jpg","briefTw":"Kevin Su is the Project Manager for DT42, and is responsible for bringing Enterprise AI Solutions to clients.\r\nCurrently, he is spearheading the BerryNet edge hardware project: codename AIKEA, in the hopes of bringing accessible visual AI to developer and educational communities. Prior to DT42, Kevin built machine vision and automation equipment for neuro-behavioural research at the University of British Columbia.","briefEn":"Kevin Su is the Project Manager for DT42, and is responsible for bringing Enterprise AI Solutions to clients.\r\nCurrently, he is spearheading the BerryNet edge hardware project: codename AIKEA, in the hopes of bringing accessible visual AI to developer and educational communities. Prior to DT42, Kevin built machine vision and automation equipment for neuro-behavioural research at the University of British Columbia.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Project Manager of DT42","boothInfoEn":"Project Manager of DT42","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"DT42","bnaEn":"DT42","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":352,"NameTw":"張家源","NameEn":"Alex Chang","JobTitleTw":"處長","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905272355115139.jpg","briefTw":"聯發科技計算與人工智能技術群處長,負責AI演算法與軟體架構及解決方案","briefEn":"Alex is from MediaTek Computing and AI Group, responsible for AI algorithm and software framework solutions","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"聯發科技計算與人工智能技術群處長","boothInfoEn":"Director of MediaTek Computing and AI Group","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"聯發科技","bnaEn":"MediaTek","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":353,"NameTw":"林銘賢","NameEn":"Limas Lin","JobTitleTw":"技術營銷和業務發展副總經理","JobTitleEn":"VP of Technical Marketing & Business Development","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280008105825.jpg","briefTw":"林銘賢先生擔任Etron / eYs3D技術營銷和業務開發(BD)副總裁,具有超過25年的半導體行業工作經驗,並擅長消費電子,ASIC和初創企業。在加入Etron / eYs3D之前,林先生是Intersil的高級戰略營銷經理和TranSwitch BD總監。在此之前,林先生於2003年共同創立了Kolorific,並擔任其總裁兼營銷副總裁。他是Panstera的營銷總監,2001年被Pixelworks以1.27億美元收購。他還曾在ITE和美國國家半導體擔任過多個職位。林先生是一名優秀的工程專業人士,擁有美國西北大學電機工程學系碩士學位。","briefEn":"Mr. Lin serves as Etron/eYs3D VP of Technical Marketing & Business Development (BD) with a demonstrated history of working in the semiconductors industry and skilled in Consumer Electronics, ASIC, and Start-ups. Prior to join Etron/eYs3D, Mr. Lin was the Sr. Strategic Marketing Manager at Intersil & BD Director at TranSwitch. Before that Mr. Lin co-founded Kolorific in 2003 and served as its President & Marketing VP. He was the Marketing Director of Panstera which was acquired by Pixelworks in 2001 with $127M. He also held various positions in ITE and National Semiconductor. Mr. Lin is a strong engineering professional earned a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Northwestern University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":" ","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"鈺創科技技術營銷和業務發展副總經理","boothInfoEn":"VP of Technical Marketing & Business Development of Etron Technology","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":" 鈺創科技股份有限公司","bnaEn":"Etron Technology, Inc.","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":354,"NameTw":"Amit Pradhan","NameEn":"Amit Pradhan","JobTitleTw":"President","JobTitleEn":"President","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280019200498.png","briefTw":"A seasoned startup founder, investor and speaker, and spend his time creating, evangelizing and investing in the future of responsible AI and decentralization. A 19-year veteran of Silicon Valley, he has built deep-tech startups with multi-million-dollar revenue streams and focus on technology, startups and systems that have a positive impact on the humans they serve. He is the co-founder & President of the Silicon Valley Blockchain Society, a network of some of the largest Investors, Thinkers, Practitioners and Creators, with Chapters around the globe – with a core mission to ‘Fund the Revolution’ and bring with it a thoughtful and responsible approach to the impact, value and culture in the Decentralized Ecosystem.\r\n","briefEn":"A seasoned startup founder, investor and speaker, and spend his time creating, evangelizing and investing in the future of responsible AI and decentralization. A 19-year veteran of Silicon Valley, he has built deep-tech startups with multi-million-dollar revenue streams and focus on technology, startups and systems that have a positive impact on the humans they serve. He is the co-founder & President of the Silicon Valley Blockchain Society, a network of some of the largest Investors, Thinkers, Practitioners and Creators, with Chapters around the globe – with a core mission to ‘Fund the Revolution’ and bring with it a thoughtful and responsible approach to the impact, value and culture in the Decentralized Ecosystem.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"President of Silicon Valley Blockchain Society","boothInfoEn":"President of Silicon Valley Blockchain Society","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Silicon Valley Blockchain Society","bnaEn":"Silicon Valley Blockchain Society","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":355,"NameTw":"Craig William Harding","NameEn":"Craig William Harding","JobTitleTw":"Angel Investor","JobTitleEn":"Angel Investor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280018527062.png","briefTw":"Craig William Harding is the Angel Investor, Band of Angels & Life Science Angels. He specializes in-house legal work, corporate, financing, stock option admin, intellectual property,HR, sales and marketing.\r\n","briefEn":"Craig William Harding is the Angel Investor, Band of Angels & Life Science Angels. He specializes in-house legal work, corporate, financing, stock option admin, intellectual property,HR, sales and marketing.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Angel Investor, Band of Angels & Life Science Angels","boothInfoEn":"Angel Investor, Band of Angels & Life Science Angels","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Band of Angels & Life Science Ange","bnaEn":"Band of Angels & Life Science Ange","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":356,"NameTw":"Rutger de Graaf ","NameEn":"Rutger de Graaf","JobTitleTw":"Director","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280021489653.jpeg","briefTw":"Rutger de Graaf is working closely with the Dutch ecosystem to open the doors for ambitious startup founders, entrepreneurs and foreign investors. He is highly skilled in Economics, Analysis, International Relations, Research, and Market Analysis.\u000b \u000bCurrently, he is Director Netherlands Point of Entry at Netherlands Entreprise Agency where he advises on residence permits for startups (the Startup Visa), foreign investors, ambitious entrepreneurs & knowledge workers. The agency stimulates entrepreneurs in sustainable, agricultural, innovative and international business and aims to improve opportunities for entrepreneurs, strengthens their position and helps them realise their international ambitions with funding, networking, know-how and compliance with laws and regulations. Prior to this, he was Senior Economic & Commercial Officer at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.\r\n","briefEn":"Rutger de Graaf is working closely with the Dutch ecosystem to open the doors for ambitious startup founders, entrepreneurs and foreign investors. He is highly skilled in Economics, Analysis, International Relations, Research, and Market Analysis.\u000b \u000bCurrently, he is Director Netherlands Point of Entry at Netherlands Entreprise Agency where he advises on residence permits for startups (the Startup Visa), foreign investors, ambitious entrepreneurs & knowledge workers. The agency stimulates entrepreneurs in sustainable, agricultural, innovative and international business and aims to improve opportunities for entrepreneurs, strengthens their position and helps them realise their international ambitions with funding, networking, know-how and compliance with laws and regulations. Prior to this, he was Senior Economic & Commercial Officer at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Director Point of Entry/ Netherlands Enterprise Agency","boothInfoEn":"Director Point of Entry/ Netherlands Enterprise Agency","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Point of Entry/ Netherlands Enterprise Agency","bnaEn":"Point of Entry/ Netherlands Enterprise Agency","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":357,"NameTw":"Andrés Saborido","NameEn":"Andrés Saborido","JobTitleTw":"Founder and Director","JobTitleEn":"Founder and Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280024425662.jpg","briefTw":"Mr. Andrés Saborido launched Wayra Argentina in 2011 and currently lead Wayra and Telefónica Open Future_ in Spain, with +700 invested startups worldwide. He developed businesses between tech-startups and big corporations for the last 7 years. Highly experienced in Open Innovation and passionate about startups and entrepreneurship, he has fostered seed investment ecosystems in Europe.","briefEn":"Mr. Andrés Saborido launched Wayra Argentina in 2011 and currently lead Wayra and Telefónica Open Future_ in Spain, with +700 invested startups worldwide. He developed businesses between tech-startups and big corporations for the last 7 years. Highly experienced in Open Innovation and passionate about startups and entrepreneurship, he has fostered seed investment ecosystems in Europe.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Founder and Director of Wayra ","boothInfoEn":"Founder and Director of Wayra ","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Wayra ","bnaEn":"Wayra ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":358,"NameTw":"劉峻誠 ","NameEn":"Albert Liu","JobTitleTw":"創辦人暨執行長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280029367051.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"耐能志慧創辦人暨執行長","boothInfoEn":"Founder & CEO of Kneron","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"耐能智慧","bnaEn":"Kneron ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":359,"NameTw":"Vitaliy Goncharuk","NameEn":"Vitaliy Goncharuk","JobTitleTw":"CEO & Founder ","JobTitleEn":"CEO & Founder ","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280037174644.jpg","briefTw":"Vitaliy Goncharuk is a tech entrepreneur. In 2011 he established Augmented Pixels, Inc., based in Palo Alto, California. He is also an investor in several computer vision and machine learning startups and a founder of the largest Computer Vision conference for prefessionals in Eastern Europe(","briefEn":"Vitaliy Goncharuk is a tech entrepreneur. In 2011 he established Augmented Pixels, Inc., based in Palo Alto, California. He is also an investor in several computer vision and machine learning startups and a founder of the largest Computer Vision conference for prefessionals in Eastern Europe(","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"CEO & Co-Founder of Augmented Pixels","boothInfoEn":"CEO & Co-Founder of Augmented Pixels","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Augmented Pixels","bnaEn":"Augmented Pixels","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":360,"NameTw":"Yan Li","NameEn":"Yan Li","JobTitleTw":"Director","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280041108648.png","briefTw":"Yan is a Director at Qualcomm Ventures. She has contributed to the investment and management of China deals, including AccuVally, CooTek, Dolphin Browser, Eques, GFan, Mobike and Neobear. \r\n\r\nPrior to joining Qualcomm, she worked for Moody’s Investors Service’s Corporate Finance division and Lehman Brothers’ Investment Banking division in New York. Yan was a member of Lehman’s Global Technology team, involved in both M&A advisory roles and debt and equity financings. She holds an M.B.A. from the Wharton School and a M.Eng. and S.B. from M.I.T.\r\n","briefEn":"Yan is a Director at Qualcomm Ventures. She has contributed to the investment and management of China deals, including AccuVally, CooTek, Dolphin Browser, Eques, GFan, Mobike and Neobear. \r\n\r\nPrior to joining Qualcomm, she worked for Moody’s Investors Service’s Corporate Finance division and Lehman Brothers’ Investment Banking division in New York. Yan was a member of Lehman’s Global Technology team, involved in both M&A advisory roles and debt and equity financings. She holds an M.B.A. from the Wharton School and a M.Eng. and S.B. from M.I.T.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Director of Qualcomm Ventures","boothInfoEn":"Director of Qualcomm Ventures","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Qualcomm Ventures","bnaEn":"Qualcomm Ventures","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":361,"NameTw":"Pranesh Sinha","NameEn":"Pranesh Sinha","JobTitleTw":"Sr. Director, Product Management Qualcomm Technology Licensing","JobTitleEn":"Sr. Director, Product Management Qualcomm Technology Licensing","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280046091078.png","briefTw":"Pranesh Sinha leads Technology and Product Strategy initiatives at Qualcomm. Currently, he is driving Qualcomm's collaboration efforts in multiple countries by building innovation labs which benefit ecosystem partners. Pranesh has been at Qualcomm for more than 10 years in various roles including 3GPP standardization, technology strategy, and product development. Some of his key accomplishments include delivery of the world’s first HSPA+ and LTE products, establishing LTE-TDD as a global standard for unpaired spectrum, and delivering the first world-mode cellular modem including TD-SCDMA. For the past 3 years, Pranesh has also been leading Qualcomm’s start-up incubation efforts in India.\r\n\r\nPranesh has also worked in management and technical leadership roles at Intel, Texas Instruments, and Conexant. He is published in technical journals and holds multiple patents. He graduated from the National University of Singapore.\r\n","briefEn":"Pranesh Sinha leads Technology and Product Strategy initiatives at Qualcomm. Currently, he is driving Qualcomm's collaboration efforts in multiple countries by building innovation labs which benefit ecosystem partners. Pranesh has been at Qualcomm for more than 10 years in various roles including 3GPP standardization, technology strategy, and product development. Some of his key accomplishments include delivery of the world’s first HSPA+ and LTE products, establishing LTE-TDD as a global standard for unpaired spectrum, and delivering the first world-mode cellular modem including TD-SCDMA. For the past 3 years, Pranesh has also been leading Qualcomm’s start-up incubation efforts in India.\r\n\r\nPranesh has also worked in management and technical leadership roles at Intel, Texas Instruments, and Conexant. He is published in technical journals and holds multiple patents. He graduated from the National University of Singapore.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Sr. Director, Product Management Qualcomm Technology Licensing, Qualcomm Inc.","boothInfoEn":"Sr. Director, Product Management Qualcomm Technology Licensing, Qualcomm Inc.","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Qualcomm Incorporated ","bnaEn":"Qualcomm Incorporated ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":362,"NameTw":"詹益鑑","NameEn":"IC Jan","JobTitleTw":"Ambassador ","JobTitleEn":"Ambassador ","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280054186348.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. I-Chien (IC) Jan joined NBRP at the end of 2017 as Assistant Chief Executive of BioHub to strengthen the biomedical startup ecosystem in Taiwan. Prior to joining NBRP, Dr. Jan was co-founder and full-time partner of AppWorks Ventures between 2010-2016.","briefEn":"Dr. I-Chien (IC) Jan joined NBRP at the end of 2017 as Assistant Chief Executive of BioHub to strengthen the biomedical startup ecosystem in Taiwan. Prior to joining NBRP, Dr. Jan was co-founder and full-time partner of AppWorks Ventures between 2010-2016.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Ambassador in Taiwan at Startup Genome","boothInfoEn":"Ambassador in Taiwan at Startup Genome","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Taiwan at Startup Genome","bnaEn":"Taiwan at Startup Genome","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":363,"NameTw":"許毓仁","NameEn":"Jason Hsu","JobTitleTw":"Legislator aka Crypto Congressman","JobTitleEn":"Legislator aka Crypto Congressman","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280058212117.png","briefTw":"六年級後段班,喜好文學、電影、旅行和運動;政治大學主修英語文學系、副修新聞系。大學畢業後,曾追尋 Che 的腳步在中南美洲開啟生命的壯遊, 畢業後第一份工作擔任 Taiwan News 主筆室翻譯,也在 Nike 擔任教育訓練講師, 曾跟著 UNESCO 到西安做永續經營 (sustainable development)的都市規劃, 亦曾與朋友們在舊金山的車庫創業。\r\n\r\n2008年創辦The Big Question Conference,隔年與朋友創辦TEDx Taipei,成為亞洲區第一個得到TED授權的城市,建構TEDx Taipei的願景:塑造TEDx Taipei為「社會企業」,以「18分鐘演講改變全世界」的全球論壇,處理主流企業不願意做的事。隨著TEDx Taipei在TED社群發展蓬勃,2011年成為TEDx亞洲區大使。","briefEn":"The curiosity to understand the world and passion to change it influence my life decisions. I believe that in order to change the system you must create something new to make the original system obsolete. For me, entrepreneurship was the answer -- a way to create opportunities for many. In 2008 I co-founded The Big Questions Conference to bring together leaders from all fields to engage in conversations and actions for sustainable future. In 2009 I co-founded TEDxTaipei. Since 2011 I have been serving as TEDx Ambassador for Asia. Over the course last years I have organized conferences and gatherings that promote cross-boarder dialogues and innovation. More than 35 cities and 400 leaders and innovators participated in these meetings. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Legislator at Executive Yuan","boothInfoEn":"Legislator at Executive Yuan","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Legislative Yuan","bnaEn":"Legislative Yuan","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":364,"NameTw":"許有進","NameEn":"Yu-Chin Hsu","JobTitleTw":"次長","JobTitleEn":"Deputy Minister","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905290023473079.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"科技部次長","boothInfoEn":"Deputy Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"科技部","bnaEn":"Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":365,"NameTw":"陳立偉","NameEn":"Lewis Chen","JobTitleTw":"總監","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280109530933.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"台灣新創基地總監","boothInfoEn":"Managing Director of Taiwan Tech Arena","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"台灣新創基地","bnaEn":"Taiwan Tech Arena","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":366,"NameTw":"Sahil Bansal","NameEn":"Sahil Bansal","JobTitleTw":"Sr. Director of Product Management","JobTitleEn":"Sr. Director of Product Management","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280115120015.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Qualcomm Incorporated ","bnaEn":"Qualcomm Incorporated ","instagram":null,"gPlus":null},{"speakerId":367,"NameTw":"Dave NG","NameEn":"Dave NG","JobTitleTw":"Head of Southeast Asia","JobTitleEn":"Head of Southeast Asia","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201906050942334167.jpg","briefTw":"Dave Ng is the Head of Southeast Asia for Eight Roads Ventures, based out of Singapore. He comes with a track record of backing promising consumer, fintech and enterprise technology companies. Prior to this, he was a Venture Partner at B Capital Group, where he was first based in San Francisco and subsequently moved to Singapore to help launch the Asia office. At B Capital, Dave co-led investments into several tech companies globally, including Ninja Van, CXA Group, Icertis, Mswipe, Capital Match and Carro. He served on the Board of Capital Match, CXA Group and Ninja Van. \r\nBesides investing, Dave spent many years operating and building companies within the technology industry. He was a Director at Oracle, where he led the strategy for Cloud and Converged Infrastructure business. Before that, he was an early employee at Zuora, the leading enterprise SaaS for Subscription Business management that went public on NYSE. At Zuora, he led strategy and operations for the Services business, focusing on people, process, and infrastructure growth – scaling and expanding across US, EMEA and APAC. Earlier on, Dave was a management consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. He began his career in product development as a software engineer at Oracle, delivering multiple major product releases. \r\n","briefEn":"Dave Ng is the Head of Southeast Asia for Eight Roads Ventures, based out of Singapore. He comes with a track record of backing promising consumer, fintech and enterprise technology companies. Prior to this, he was a Venture Partner at B Capital Group, where he was first based in San Francisco and subsequently moved to Singapore to help launch the Asia office. At B Capital, Dave co-led investments into several tech companies globally, including Ninja Van, CXA Group, Icertis, Mswipe, Capital Match and Carro. He served on the Board of Capital Match, CXA Group and Ninja Van. \r\nBesides investing, Dave spent many years operating and building companies within the technology industry. He was a Director at Oracle, where he led the strategy for Cloud and Converged Infrastructure business. Before that, he was an early employee at Zuora, the leading enterprise SaaS for Subscription Business management that went public on NYSE. At Zuora, he led strategy and operations for the Services business, focusing on people, process, and infrastructure growth – scaling and expanding across US, EMEA and APAC. Earlier on, Dave was a management consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. He began his career in product development as a software engineer at Oracle, delivering multiple major product releases. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"select2Default":false,"boothInfoTw":"Head of Southeast Asia, Eight Roads Ventures","boothInfoEn":"Head of Southeast Asia, Eight Roads Ventures","displaySeq":1,"showyear":"2019","subjectionYear":2019,"fakeDeleted":false,"bnaTw":"Eight Roads Ventures","bnaEn":"Eight Roads Ventures","instagram":null,"gPlus":null}]