Recently, digital healthcare has become one of the trending technologies in the startup industry. Many investors are seeking opportunities to enter the market. To explore the resources and blue ocean markets for startups, Taipei Computer Association (TCA) and TwIoTA partnered up with the Ministry of Economic Affair and ITRI to organize the “Trend Analysis of Digital Health Industry and A+ Taiwan-Israel Innovation R&D Program” seminar on December 24th at TCA. By inviting investors, industry leaders, and Taiwan-Israel collaboration professionals, the seminar touched on topics such as trends and investing strategies related to the digital healthcare industry.
Domain Experts Participated in the Seminar and Shared Their Experiences
Dr. MaTien Yang Ph. D. the Deputy General Director at ITRI, Dr. Joses Hsiung Ph. D. the CEO of Winnoz, Dr. SerChen Fu MD the Partner of Pacific 8 Ventures, Mr. Allen Lin the CEO of Apollo Medical Optics, Mr. Ethan Ting the Senior Administrator/Account Manager at ITRI, and Dr. ErhFang Lee Ph. D. the Researcher at ITRI attended the seminar and shared their thoughts with the audience.
Future Trends and Markets in the Digital Healthcare Industry
Speakers mentioned that the transformation into the digital healthcare system is inevitable. Dr. ErhFang Lee pointed out that digital healthcare can support doctors with monitoring patients remotely; this will lessen down the labor costs and ensure treatment results. In addition to that, Dr. Joses Hsiung also shared the technology he invented. The system can automatically detect Malaria symptoms by analyzing results from blood tests. From these two examples, we may foresee the trends of the digital healthcare industry and benefits for both patients and doctors.
Besides the trends, these experts had also mentioned the markets for startups in the future. They pointed out that Taiwan possesses the world-leading hardware manufacturing ability and Israel has the advantages in digital healthcare technology; by combining resources from these two countries, we will be able to discover a new market for the industry.
According to Frost & Sullivan, we will be expecting the global digital healthcare market expanding from $147 billion in 2019 to $220 billion in 2023. The estimated CAGR growth will reach 12% from 2019-2023. Dr. ErhFang Lee, the researcher at the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), mentioned that digital healthcare technology can cover a broad range of domains; for example, wearable medical devices, mobile healthcare, clinical information system, and telemedicine. The technology is often applied in various medical treatments such as chronic disease and postoperative treatment prediction, early cancer detection, and treatment follow-ups.
InnoVEX Is Adding "Healthcare, Mobility, and Startup Services” Theme Zones in 2020!
InnoVEX 2020 will be held from June 3rd to June 5th at Taipei World Trade Center – Hall 1. InnoVEX will be introducing “Healthcare, Mobility, and Startup Services” theme zones in 2020! Please check out InnoVEX 2020 Official Website for further details.