Since the beginning of the First Industrial Revolution, manufacturing has been the key element pushing our society and various industries forward. In the 21st century, we are in the era of another industrial revolution, as technologies are transforming manufacturing into a highly intelligent, automated, and efficient industry. Along with 2020’s pandemic COVID-19, smart manufacturing has become one of the goals that factories around the world are trying to achieve. Thus, Taipei Computer Association (TCA) along with its partners: Industry Development Bureau (IDB ), Ministry of Economic Affair, Taiwan and the Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre in Taipei, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC ), and Startup Island Taiwan, together as a whole discussing Taiwan and Malaysia's smart manufacturing industry and how to connect international partners with Taiwan’s smart manufacturing startups, experts to share, exchange, and discuss potential partnership or cooperation in the near post-age of COVID-19 via a LVE Webinar, but also more importantly turning them into proper business opportunities.
The webinar took place on Thursday, 29th July 2020 at 14:00 (GMT+8), 75 min webinar attracted 65 professionals from both Taiwan and Malaysia (the majority). Ms. Sharon Ho Swee Peng (President of the Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre in Taipei) was online for the opening remarks where she illustrated the importance of smart manufacturing it is to Malaysia and the unique bonds between Taiwan and Malaysia; in which there are much more cooperation and partnership can be done in the near future. Thus, continue on to the two keynote done by Mr. Gopi Ganesalingam (Vice President of Global Growth Acceleration, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation/ MDEC ) and Ph.D. Derek Kuo (Division Director, Intelligent Machinery Technology Center of Industrial Technology Research Institute/ ITRI )both gentlemens’ keynote gave an excellent and sharp compare and contrast to the different advantages both Taiwan and Malaysia possess, there for only through cooperation and partnership can take the smart manufacturing to the next-level not just within the Asia-Pacific region, but across entire global community.
During the webinar, Mr. Sim Hon-Wai (Chief Operating Officer of MDT Innovations Sdn. Bhd. ), Ms. Isabel Chen (General Manager of KERRY TJ LOGISTICS Company ), Dr. Yeong Che Fai (Co-Founder of DF Automation & Robotics Sdn Bhd. ), and Mr. Daniel Li (Director of IOT Center of Microsoft Taiwan ) all gave an excellent presentation on how their respective company has contribute into smart manufacturing both in Taiwan and Malaysia, in which it was excellent to be able to hear all four presenters has touch on the further implementations and strategies smart manufacturing should take pace in the near post-COVID-19 era.
On behalf of the organizers, the InnoVEX team would like to sincerely thank all those who participated at the webinar. We hope that the webinar may provide useful insight or inspiration to be creative for you to tackle the up and coming smart manufacturing sector.
Have You Heard of Startup Island TAIWAN
So what is it? Startup Island TAIWAN is an initiative that bonds both the startup community and government tightly, aiming to forge a national startup brand and overall image for the startups based in Taiwan. This sound initiative was formulated by consulting over 100 members of startup communities and collecting opinions from the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Economic Affairs respectively.
The logo symbolizes a journey from a startup island to the international arena. It stands for Diverse Culture, Daring Innovation, Leading-Edge Technology, and Endless Creativity, and demonstrates to the world the strong ambition and capabilities of Taiwan startups as well as their intention and ability to contribute to other startup ecosystems across the global platform.
Aligning with the mission, InnoVEX team under Taipei Computer Association (TCA) is proud to partner with Startup Island TAIWAN! You may expect more great contents regarding tech-startups, investments, technology and hot trends here!
InnoVEXOnline 2020 Now Available!
InnoVEX Online 2020 is available to global startups, extending beyond the traditional exhibitors' list function, it will provide online presence globally by means of integrating with related communities via effective channels for those who are unable to participate in InnoVEX 2020 holding in Taipei in September, InnoVEX Online 2020 also makes it possible for our partners to showcase products or press releases on the web page to gain market exposure and discover new business opportunities!