2024 speaker

John K. Zao

John K. Zao

Chairman FiduciaEdge
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FiduciaEdge is a high-tech software company specializing in providing edge computing security and privacy protection technologies. We primarily offer data security protection, data privacy protection, and trusted computing platform solutions for government agencies and large enterprises in the fields of IoT, AIoT, and edge computing. Founded by Professor Chia-Chien Shao, the chairman of IEEE 1934 and 1935, and Professor Ching-Yao Huang from National Chiao Tung University, the company has assembled a top-tier management team including former general managers from HP, former plant managers from Foxconn, and accountants from KPMG. With cutting-edge technology and excellent market experience, FiduciaEdge is a startup with outstanding capabilities in forward-thinking technology and effective market strategy and management.