Leveraging AI to Accelerate Sustainable Future Opportunities

June 7, 2024 10:00-12:00 click to share

InnoVEX Center Stage

In response to climate change and the ESG movement, businesses are increasingly embracing sustainability. AI technology serves as a key driver, enabling companies to accelerate their green transition and create sustainable value.
This forum brings together leading industry speakers to explore how AI can empower sustainable development and share real-world business cases and secrets.


10:00 - 10:02 Opening
10:02 - 10:05 Group Photo
Group Photo
10:05 - 10:25 Keynote
Sustainable Resilience and Impact by AI
Harry LinHead of Customer Solutions Architect, Google Cloud Taiwan, Google Taiwan
10:26 - 10:45 Keynote
Keynote: Digital with Purpose to Deliver ESG Solutions with Impact
Niven HuangManaging Director, KPMG Sustainability Consulting Co., Ltd. in Taiwan
10:46 - 11:05 Keynote
Keynote: Sustainable Semiconductor Solutions for AI Compute
Raymond ChikBoard Chair, Untether AI
11:06 - 11:25 Keynote
Keynote: Innovation Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable AI Computing
Sengmeng Koo Senior Deputy Director and Head of LearnAI, AI Singapore®
11:26 - 11:45 Keynote
Keynote: Don't Stop Until Zero
Margarita PekerGeneral Manager, Uber Taiwan
11:46 - 11:55 Networking
Networking Time


Harry Lin's photo

Harry Lin

Google Taiwan

Niven Huang's photo

Niven Huang

KPMG Sustainability Consulting Co., Ltd. in Taiwan

Raymond Chik's photo

Raymond Chik

Untether AI

Sengmeng Koo 's photo

Sengmeng Koo

AI Singapore®

Margarita Peker's photo

Margarita Peker

Uber Taiwan