Taiwan-Belgium(Wallonia)Innovation Forum

June 7, 2024 13:00-15:00 click to share

InnoVEX Center Stage

The economies and industries of Taiwan and Belgium have long been supported by strong government subsidies for innovative R&D. Due to academic-based R&D centers have been the main sources of disruptive innovations in various core industries.

In both countries, these research entities have succeeded in developing applied technologies that are extremely "disruptive" to the industries, and through such technology and business transfer have successfully spawned "scale-up innovative startups" that are outstanding in the industries, generating “unicorn” miracles. This forum has invited Prof Lin Chi-Hung, President of the National Yangming Chiaotung University, and Mr. Nicolas Bioul, Director of Louvain Tech Transfer Office from the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve from the French-speaking part of Belgium. (the UCLouvain has accumulated a total of 80 Spin-Offs by 2020) With speakers that are executives from outstanding innovative companies from Taiwan and Belgium (Wallonia) to present the latest developments in the field of "Scale-up's" that are successful spin-offs from universities’ research projects.


13:00 - 13:10 Opening Remarks
Opening Remarks
Dr. Chi-Hung LinPresident of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Yanming Chiaotung University
Matthieu BrandersDirector, Belgium Office Taipei
Philippe LACHAPELLE Director of Technical Partnerships and Networks of Innovation, Wallonia Export-Investment Agency
13:10 - 13:20 Signing Ceremony
NYCU x UCLouvain MOU Signing Ceremony
Dr. Chi-Hung LinPresident of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Yanming Chiaotung University
Michael LinCEO, Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy, IAPS
Philippe LACHAPELLE Director of Technical Partnerships and Networks of Innovation, Wallonia Export-Investment Agency
13:20 - 13:50 Keynote
Academic Institutions Setting Sail: Bridging the Academia-Industry Divide to Cultivate Future Innovative Talents
Dr. Chi-Hung LinPresident of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Yanming Chiaotung University
13:50 - 14:20 Keynote
Open Hub of UCLouvain, a technology platform and its contributions to applications in Artificial Intelligence and medical data
NICOLAS BIOULDirector, OpenHub
14:20 - 14:40 Demo Pitch
Pitching session by startups and SMEs from Wallonia, Belgium
Geoffroy GossetCo-founder and CEO, e-peas
Andrew WillemsFounder and CEO, AWIT Consulting
Jungmin JooTaiwan and Korea business representatives, Intopix
Maxime Gravet Co-founder and R&D Engineer, Mekanika
Pascal De VincenzoCo-founder and General Manager, Open Engineering
Philippe BaijotCo-founder and CEO, D2D3
14:40 - 15:00 Panel
On SMEs Innovation in Belgium (Wallonia) and Taiwan
Dr Hank CY HuangVice President of Innovation, National Yanming Chiaotung University
Geoffroy GossetCo-founder and CEO, e-peas
Vincent ColardBusiness Coach and director of Soft Landing Program, WSL
Yu-Te WuFounder, Altewan BioMedical Technology Inc.
John ChangCEO and founder, Jmem Tek
John K. ZaoChairman, FiduciaEdge