NXP Award

SEEDiA Sp. z o.o.


Green Tech

Founding Year: 2016
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Charging stations for e-bikes

SEEDiA created world’s first autonomous solar charging rental station for e-bikes, serving hotels, office buildings, shopping centers, and public facilities. This innovative service offers secure parking and charging, featuring a patented energy management system that uses weather forecasts to optimize power use, ensuring seamless operation of its facilities all year round. SEEDiA’s initiatives support sustainable urban development and are implemented in over 25 countries worldwide.

Company Description

SEEDiA focuses on green urban solutions, starting with solar-powered benches, info-kiosks, and bus stops. It expanded its offerings with the world’s first autonomous solar charging e-bike rental station for bicycles, serving hotels, office buildings, shopping centers, and public facilities. This innovative service offers secure parking and charging, featuring a patented energy management system that uses weather forecasts to optimize power use, ensuring seamless operation of its facilities all year round. SEEDiA’s initiatives support sustainable urban development and are implemented in over 25 countries worldwide.