2024 Finals

Pade Technology Co., Ltd.


Green Tech

Founding Year: 2023
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The conveyor type of smart sorting textile

Near-Infrared Rapid Remote Sensing: Utilizes the principles of Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and algorithms for material identification. This technology offers non-destructive, non-contact rapid testing and classification capabilities. AI-Powered Learning Model: Capable of enhancing recognition accuracy through the accumulation of big data. Qualitative and Quantitative Testing: Capable of identifying the components and their concentrations within textile materials. This dynamic technology bypasses challenges like color and style variation, which hinder competitors relying on image recognition.

Company Description

Pade Technology Co., Ltd, was established in 2023 in collaboration with Professor Jen-Jie Chieh at Institute of Electro-Optical Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal University.

Leveraging Dr. Chieh’s expertise in optical inspection, Pade Technology is developing an intelligent sorting system that utilizes near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for fast non-contact identification of textile materials and AI machine learning for high accuracy. The accuracy of the sorting system has been recognized by professional organizations and successfully tested in production processes at major recycled polyester (PET) manufacturers in Taiwan.