2024 Finals

Ranictek Inc.


Semiconductor Applications

Founding Year: 2022
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Energy-saving & Cost-effective baseband chips for 5G O-RAN base station & satcom

Ranictek provides the following energy-saving and cost-effective baseband solutions: (1) Massive MIMO RU (Radio Unit): Supporting O-RAN Split 7.2x Option with Cat-B & Cat-B ULPI A/B (2) Communication Satellites & Ground Stations: Supporting Analog, Hybrid, and Digital Beamforming

Company Description

Ranictek is an IC design company, headquartered in Taiwan, in developing 5G/6G base station and satellite communication chips. Especially, we focus on the baseband chips for O-RAN massive MIMO base stations, satellites, and ground stations. We provide both energy-saving and cost-effective chip solutions to our customers. By our chip solution, we try to popularize the 5G/6G and satellite communication technologies. Ranictek also has honored with the 2023 International Innovation Award from EETimes: "Most Leading-Edge Startups".