2024 Finals



Healthcare & Biotech

Founding Year: 2020
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Phygit E-Label

Labels powered by Phygit accelerate sales and turn products into digital personalized communication channels to increase crucial KPIs. Like an AI-backed Personal Digital Assistant and Brand Ambassador on every package or business card. Branded web apps with AI-backed and AR-enhanced digital content and marketing perks available via NFC or QR embedded into packages or labels. Accessible via any browser in any handheld device, no application needed. With easy tracking of product expiry after package opening as the latest unique feature

Company Description

We are an international startup based in US and EU with a B2B MarTech no-application SaaS platform for smart labeling. We increase CPG brands profitability up to 5 times in 3 months by developing a unique value proposition and enhancing brand-consumer interaction through cost-effective AI-powered customer engagement web-tools accessible via QR codes or NFC tags on products. Accesible from any browser on any phone