The innovation hub of Asia, InnoVEX 2023 was held from May 30 to June 2 in Taipei; attracting over 20,000 visitors both locally and internationally. Among the main events was the InnoVEX Forum that invited influential speakers from industry leading companies and rising startup teams.
One of the speakers of the Asia Smart Mobility Ecosystem Forum is Mr. Takeshi Kataoka, Senior Vice President and Co-General Manager of High-Performance Computing, Analog and Power Solutions Group, Renesas Electronics Corporation. Renesas Electronics is a Japanese semiconductor manufacturer aiming to develop a safer, healthier, greener, and smarter world by providing intelligence to 4 focus growth segments including automotive, industrial, infrastructure, and IoT.
In his speech, Mr. Kataoka shared that the automotive industry has undergone a significant change in 100 years with the growing CASE trend. The 4 trends of Connected, Autonomous, Shared, and Electrified have led to new developments in the automotive industries including AD/ADAS and xEV. As interests shift from ICE to xEV, there will be a significant change at the component level; including the reduced number of components, power system control, energy source, and more.
Changes are also happening to the companies in the automotive supply chain including OEMs and Tier 1s who are now focusing on making their own software platforms and architectures. This also encourages them to focus on software asset reusability to make their assets reusable for as many car models and generations. More manufacturers have shifted from the conventional distributed architecture to the more simplified zone architecture to enable better OTA software upgrade and wire harness reduction.
Please click on the video above to directly watch the full speech or click the link below to watch the speech in YouTube.
>>> https://youtu.be/ICZyrLy9wpU
About InnoVEX
Started in 2016, InnoVEX is a startup-focused exhibition organized by the Taipei Computer Association (TCA) and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). Positioned as the innovation hub of Asia, InnoVEX is held alongside Asia's leading ICT B2B Tradeshow, COMPUTEX, to connect startups and their innovations to global VCs, CVCs, manufacturing partners, buyers, and media.
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#InnoVEX2023 #InnoVEXForum #smartmobility